Drving while nodding


Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

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gardendaleguy's picture

shouldnt THAT be the definition of "Social Justice Warrior" ? 

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bronobo's picture

do you guys think it was drugs or just a very stupid person + sleepiness? because I would think most people who were sleepy would wake up from crashing in to that first mile marker sign, or spinning into the median, and then pulled over. i once caught something like this on my dash cam, but didn't save the video. the guy was drifting into the shoulder and into the other lane every 30 seconds but exited the mostly empty rural interstate while i was deciding whether to call the state troopers.


edit: i found an article saying heroin was found in the driver's car


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skeptoid's picture

A hah! Nodding.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

ahh they love nodding off those lads

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