Dunno really why Fry can't admit to actually agreeing with Peterson on ANYTHING except if he has literally no idea who Peterson is or what he does.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Well, he admits he is on the same page as far as free speech is concerned. Other issues did not matter in this particular discussion. And why would they actually have a lot in common? Maybe they both like horses?
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Ozmen (Long Spike)
Fry, as someone living with bi-polar disorder probably has a lot to agree with Peterson regarding human psychology. Peterson being some type of a psychologist by training apparently and what lectures of his I've listened to he seems to know what he's on about.
But you are correct. Whether or not one agrees with ones argumentation partner was a moot question as that was not the point of the argument.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
They have a lot to disagree on as well I guess, Peterson being a right wing christian (possibly homophobic) and Fry being a mid to left gay atheist......
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Ozmen (Long Spike)
That's the thing. The fact that you think Peterson is right wing (though 'christian' he is) or even entertaing the possibility of him being homophobic means people like Fry need to agree with him more. So that people like you don't judge a book before they've even bothered to read the blurp on the back instead of listening to shitty reviews.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
LOL, just added the "homophobic" to see if and who (besides the SN head lobster) it would trigger.....
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acdc51502112 (Long Spike)
Peterson is NOT conservative at all....and is a self labelled liberal. On top of that....he and his wife have many gay friends, you're just making shit up.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
LOL I've seen more evidence of homophobia and sexism from you than from Peterson, DaftCunt.
(Long Spike)
Dunno really why Fry can't admit to actually agreeing with Peterson on ANYTHING except if he has literally no idea who Peterson is or what he does.
(Old Spike)
Well, he admits he is on the same page as far as free speech is concerned. Other issues did not matter in this particular discussion. And why would they actually have a lot in common? Maybe they both like horses?
(Long Spike)
Fry, as someone living with bi-polar disorder probably has a lot to agree with Peterson regarding human psychology. Peterson being some type of a psychologist by training apparently and what lectures of his I've listened to he seems to know what he's on about.
But you are correct. Whether or not one agrees with ones argumentation partner was a moot question as that was not the point of the argument.
(Old Spike)
They have a lot to disagree on as well I guess, Peterson being a right wing christian (possibly homophobic) and Fry being a mid to left gay atheist......
(Long Spike)
That's the thing. The fact that you think Peterson is right wing (though 'christian' he is) or even entertaing the possibility of him being homophobic means people like Fry need to agree with him more. So that people like you don't judge a book before they've even bothered to read the blurp on the back instead of listening to shitty reviews.
(Old Spike)
LOL, just added the "homophobic" to see if and who (besides the SN head lobster) it would trigger.....
(Long Spike)
Peterson is NOT conservative at all....and is a self labelled liberal. On top of that....he and his wife have many gay friends, you're just making shit up.
(Old Spike)
LOL I've seen more evidence of homophobia and sexism from you than from Peterson, DaftCunt.