LOL, been watching this comedy for a while now and thunderf00t sums it up nicely (just skip through him whining about how he was criticised in his videos about it). Farage did not have a plan because not even he believed in it and like I said right after him resigning now he's in there all-knowing and criticising, what a fucking cunt.
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
The EU cannot be dismantled fast enough.
(Old Spike)
Actually, considering what the idiot that sits in the white house babbled the other day, the importance of a strong and united EU has increased quite a lot.
People that think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages of the EU usually do not have any idea what they are talking about and merely blindly repeat "information" gained from anti EU propaganda like "brexit the movie" or what farage or boris or trump tell them. Of course not everything is honkey dorey, there is quite a bit room for improvement.
(Old Spike)
Like maintaining sovreignty so that power and decision making is not consolidated to just one place. I agree, there is room for improvement.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
(Old Spike)
The people of Britain should govern the people of Britain. It's that fucking simple.
The current fuck up is due to May being either spineless or a two faced cunt. Either way, they need someone with Trump's brashness to be in there telling the EU how shit is going to go down, take it or leave it.
(Old Spike)
Your ignorance is remarkable. The UK governs itself within or outside the EU.
And we have seen what happens when trump meets real strong people, he fails miserably.
(Old Spike)
So you're telling me the UK can shut their borders tomorrow then?
(Old Spike)
I am not certain under which circumstances the agreement they have made within the EU would permit that. I think there have been events when border controls were temporarily re-introduced between certain states.
But this is not the point. The point is that all EU members consciously agreed to open borders and free travel for EU citizens (via the representatives that were voted for by the public). At the time it was introduced it was deemed by everyone to be benefitial and quite frankly I don't see that this has changed. Which btw will remain the absolute same should the brits want an amicable relationship wit the EU. I do not think they have another option because otherwise they would make themselves the US's bitch.
Fact is that any member can chose to leave and until the process is complete they have to adhere to the agreements and thereafter to those that were negotiated during the interim period.
(Old Spike)
If a country can't break agreements, then it does not truely govern itself.
Nothing worse than the feeling of doing something out of obligation to someone else.
If England wants to leave, then why can't they put down a signature tomorrow and be done with it? Red tape is just an exuse to stall out and cook up obligations for England to fulfill.
The EU has an agreement to allow open borders for EU citizens. Refugees are not citizens.
England becoming Americas bitch is just a thought story stuffed with fearful assumption.
(Old Spike)
Well, let's reduce your argument to a more personal level.
You have an agreeement with your bank giving you money to buy your house in return for interest payments and repyment in small chunks.
Several outcomes for "breaking the agreement" are possible. Same happens with the brexit. They break the overall agreement and want to negotiate new agreements. A trustworthy business partner sticks to the original agreement until the situation is resolved.
(Old Spike)
England does want to leave..Wales too..Scotland and N Ireland on the other hand voted to stay in the EU..
(Old Spike)
One more thing: The UK is more in control of their borders than other EU members and also non EU members like Switzerland! They are not part of the Schengen treaty.
(Old Spike)
On a personal level, whether I owe a bank or not, if their business isn't right for me I can find a new partner to conduct my affairs with.
Whether or not it's honorable is irrelevant, as it is still my right to govern myself any way I choose. If the consequences of my actions are a massive hit to my reputation so that I may do what feels right to me. So be it.
The issue isn't about having more control over borders than others. The issue is having complete control without outside interference.
(Old Spike)
Again, like "you and your bank" the UK has complete control without interference.
Nobody interferes with their inner politics or border control or how they rule their country etc. It was all negotiated and agreed a long time ago. Now they want a different deal hence they decided to leave. Just like you can switch your mortgage provider (which may charge you extra for not fulfilling your contract)
It is really that simple. It becomes more dificult for the UK as they don't want a complete but only a parcial divorce (it seems).
(Old Spike)
its not perfect but just look at the history of europe before the eu...war war war war war war war...its getting to the generation of people who dont realise or remember that and start shouting about 'going it alone' and 'we dont need them' like brexiteers..then history might repeat itself again..
(Old Spike)
Look at the history of every time Germans tried to unify Europe under one rule at the cost of all other countries' sovereignty.
Several countries who voted no to EU have been forced in.
That's not very democratic is it?
Have you ever seen an election for leaders of the European Union?
Many of them suffered immensely from replacing their currency. And the EU have the balls to suggest that it was the people who were irresponsible with their economy. Do you even know what austerity measures are? Ask Greece.
(Old Spike)
Leaders are not voted directly but by representation, nothing undemocratic about that. People not bothering to vote in EU elections is a different story, this is how farage got in there in the first place.
The currency introduction was a bodge job, the countries that saw through it decided to stay out of it, even the german figures were tampered with. Still, the european market in general benefitted from it.
(Old Spike)
do you live in the eu puttefnask? sounds like you dont have a clue about it if you no expert on the legal side of things but youre really not making much sense there..countries forced into the eu and comparing the eu to nazi germany..come on lad..
(Old Spike)
fullauto and purgetheflask solely rely on right wing biased web sites like breitbart for their information, everything else is fake to them. They do not need (or understand how) to get factual information from the interwebs.
For example everytheing they state about the EU is taken straight from "brexit the movie".
(Old Spike)
"fullauto and purgetheflask solely rely on right wing biased web sites like breitbart for their information "
How the hell do you know what I look at? Where did I say "everything else is fake"? Daft, try to focus on dealing with the real me and not the voodoo doll version of me you love to stab when I say shit you disagree with.
(Old Spike)
I know where you have your information from regarding the brexit because you use the same retarded propaganda arguments as presented to us by "brexit the movie" and right wing web sites like breitbart or straight form farage, boris and the likes. Whether or not these actually are the sources or something similar is irrelevant.