CNN is onto Us

skeptoid's picture

The Trump Russia Hysteria

Danman shut it down - CNN has us cornered and we need to destroy all files. Napalm get to the safehouse we set up. FullAuto you've hung yourself out too far - we can't get you out but you knew that going in: draw them in and hold them down as long as you can (your family in Minsk will be well-taken care of I promise). Everyone else, evacuation protocol - get to the checkpoints and your mule will get you to one of the preset escape subs. It's a miracle we made it this far - I'm sure the Boss will receive us warmly when we're all back in Moscow. 

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lawngnome's picture

Anderson Cooper is CIA

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

If a nation wants to limit foreign influences on their elections they can go the road of Canada and make it a finable offense to try and tell members of a nation who to vote for if you're a foreigner. That is all.

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danmanjones's picture

Sargon's overrated. He even uses the term "moderate rebels" unironically. It's a contradiction in terms. If you pick up a gun & try to overthrow your government you are not moderate. Idiot.

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