Whats heroin like?


eh's picture

I know what it's like. After a horrific car accident, I woke up and was being given large doses of opioids. I hated it because it had me feeling completely detached from reality for long periods and when it wore off, I felt terrible pain. I didn't become badly addicted, though I had some bad feelings as the dosage was decreased.


I actually dealt with some pretty bad pain rather than be feeling that heroin "High." It just felt like what I would think being dead is. I got off of it as fast as possible. Since then, I've been prescribed opioids several times, just laugh, and don't fill them. I will never touch it again and the thousands of addictions and deaths have proved I have the right idea.



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Kibernizzle's picture

Ah yes, I can somewhat imagine the feeling you're describing. 
I have a bad back, understated, and have been on morphine for a few years when I was younger. 
When I realized the dosage just wasn't high/strong enough any longer, I knew it was time to quit.  
Haven't touched it for years now. 

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eh's picture

Are you on something else or do you just deal with the pain? I have found that nothing else works as well and I just deal with pain. It sounds strange but the pain is actually better for me.

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Kibernizzle's picture

I used to have an abusive relationship with both weed and alcohol, but nowadays I just deal with the pain. 
I've had chronic pain since the age of 11, so at one point it just became a part of me. 

It saddens me but I don't remember feeling pain-free ever. 

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eh's picture

Brutal. I can barely stay under control when I hear people bitch about nothing. Constant pain is a living nightmare at times. I wish there was some way to shut off nerve endings or something.

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Kibernizzle's picture

That is so true. People complaining about minor pain is by far my biggest pet peeve. But I can't really blame anyone for being burdened by pain. I know that more than most.  

I've also had that exact same wish, but in time I think I've become more resillient and able to surpass what the general public would be able to. I often get surprised looks by peers, who are aware of my situation, when they see how I push my body.

Stay strong man! 

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