america is the most racist country in the entire world
Average: 4(4 votes)
Dude (Old Spike)
If this happened in Belgium on the news (wich never would happen) she would have gotten fired immediatly.
We have a government owned station where politics are openly discussed with guests out of the political world and case related subjects going into battle with a mediater who is 100 percent neutral well prepared and only asks questions viewed from both sides.
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
If Germany walked thru Belgium in order to attack France Belgium would act reasonable...wait
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Dude (Old Spike)
What are you talking about? do you have any idea how many Belgians died in the 2 great wars? if there are no ppl or men there is no Belgium anyway, and shut the fuck up, should we remember The slaughter of the natives or slavery of the black anytime someone say's something that touches another country other then MURICAAHHH you are stupid like all the rest and as a stupid American you should hate France and love Germany like one of your great leaders once said ich bin ein Berliner
You probabaly believe you are free because they keep saying it, YOU mere slave
And where was Frace when we got attacked? not their business, but when we run out of men, because of the mustard gas, it is our fault, get a life kid.
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
^ thinks the Erudite is more important than the Dauntless
(Old Spike)
If this happened in Belgium on the news (wich never would happen) she would have gotten fired immediatly.
We have a government owned station where politics are openly discussed with guests out of the political world and case related subjects going into battle with a mediater who is 100 percent neutral well prepared and only asks questions viewed from both sides.
(Long Spike)
If Germany walked thru Belgium in order to attack France Belgium would act reasonable...wait
(Old Spike)
What are you talking about? do you have any idea how many Belgians died in the 2 great wars? if there are no ppl or men there is no Belgium anyway, and shut the fuck up, should we remember The slaughter of the natives or slavery of the black anytime someone say's something that touches another country other then MURICAAHHH you are stupid like all the rest and as a stupid American you should hate France and love Germany like one of your great leaders once said ich bin ein Berliner
You probabaly believe you are free because they keep saying it, YOU mere slave
And where was Frace when we got attacked? not their business, but when we run out of men, because of the mustard gas, it is our fault, get a life kid.
(Long Spike)
^ thinks the Erudite is more important than the Dauntless
(Short Spike)