This is incredible. Not only did a sovereign nation threaten another with an act of terror, but the USA completely refused to stand up for their neighbor and ally, or even the basic priniciple of the rights of women.
(7 votes)
This is incredible. Not only did a sovereign nation threaten another with an act of terror, but the USA completely refused to stand up for their neighbor and ally, or even the basic priniciple of the rights of women.
(Old Spike)
lol Let's see if this gets rapidly voted off the site when it's not Sargon reporting it. Also that Arabic saying is moronic. Probably made some kind of practical sense at the time it was coined.
(Long Spike)
Saudi Arabia "threatens" 911. Saudi Arabia DID 911. Fuck their oil. Turn them all to glass. We would at least warn them before doing so.
(Old Spike)
Fucking hell, stopped watching at "let me explain to you...."
I really would prefer the facts to be broadcasted without an opinion already attached to it.
(Old Spike)
For the facts you can look at the thumbnail, and then you can look at the explanation that it was all a big misunderstanding from the gov of Saudi Arabia. Those are the facts. He also goes on to detail a whole series of facts about Saudi Arabia's atrocious human rights record. He also makes a point about hypocrisy.
This guy is a media analysis and news opinion broadcaster, and you know that. Or you're retarded. Go get your friends lol.
(Old Spike)
" opinion broadcaster"
Unlike you I don't need my opinion broadcasted to me. And I did not know that, saw him for the first time.
(Old Spike)
Which opinion is mine - Sargon's, Kyle's, Jimmy's, Tucker's, Tim's, Joe's, Jordan's, Christina's, Lauren's, Steven's, or any of the dozens of other people whose opinions I sample? Are you sure it's that you don't like it when you see someone stating opinions that aren't your own. You're so bothered that it exists here that you one-star it because, by your own admission, the well-known media and political critic said he was about to give you his opinion.
Also, you already knew the facts of this story before you clicked in here. This thumbnail has appeared on the site three times now - two Sargons and one Kyle. I bet you one-starred all three lol.
(Old Spike)
As I saw who posted it I thought I might be interested as this person is not well known for bias driven submissions.
(Old Spike)
Whereas that's precisely what you're known for here. Why don't you one star your own content? Wait, do you?
(Old Spike)
Please indulge us, which of my contributions are "known for that" (other than the odd LWT)?
(Old Spike)
All of your media posts, including LWT, are biased towards coddling TDS, legitimizing a completely discredited MSM unless its FOX, and ridiculing and maginalizing whatever the video source considers right wing. The only exception is potholer54, which is obviously biased in its own way. Everything you post is geared towards propping up whatever you perceive as the established orthodoxy. Whereas I post media analysis and criticism from across the political spectrum, from the border of the far-left fringe (Jimmy Dore), to the centre (Tim Pool), to the fringes of the far-right (actually, that's Styx's slot but I stopped posting his vids due to the tantrums). Many others. The purpose is to generate sincere discussion. I watch all of these varied opinion people specifically because I have my own opinion.
(Old Spike)
You are way too detached from "impartial reporting of the news" in the US and canada, hence I can understand why you would think that way.
The problem with ridiculing anything other in politics than the (american) right wing, and here especially the potus, is quite a bit more difficult. Erdogan comes to mind but this is too far detached for most people on here and actually way too serious as he literally became a despot. Merkel and the failed integration politics in Germany (which has little to do with the latest refugee crisis although this became the trigger for raising the issues) come to mind but, hey, she is conservative and most of the previous governments were. Brexit comes to mind but, hey, this again is a right wing fuck up and its comedic value is overshadowed by the potus. I could make a few jokes about the farce that is the leftist government in the balearics or how many women openly welcomed the mid term change to a left spanish government literally because "el guapo" ("the handsome") is now president but this would be a waste of time as nobody on here is interested. I do make fun of or call out "leftist" issues like exaggerated feminism, women quota, or the like, but again currently this is bigly overshadowed by other issues.
I almost forgot, some twat on here even called me a Nazi the other day, can't remember who that was but boy, that was funny.
I do not understand why you would mention potholer. On climate change he is merely summarising legitimate, peer reviewed science so that laymen can understand it and debunks flawed statements and conclusiuons on the topic. On creationism / religion I haven't published anything from him, although I like to ridicule the religiously religious too (especially those that like to think "not believing" in a deity is a belief system).
(Old Spike)
Afterthought: I could make fun of a leftwing spanish TV channel (la sexta) but again this would have no meaning, although some on here happily would watch "el intermedio" for completely different reasons.....
(Old Spike)
That's a lot of text to basically say "I have nothing here."
You are way too detached from "impartial reporting of the news" in the US and canada, hence I can understand why you would think that way.
The average age of a person who watches cable news and still thinks it's impartial reporting is about 67-years-old. So no, that statement from you does not surprise me.
(Old Spike)
"The average age of a person who watches cable news and still thinks it's impartial reporting is about 67-years-old."
In the US and Canada this may be true. You can't compare this to europe.
Still wondering who this tweat was that called me a nazi, though....
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
I disagree with Jordan on plenty of things, including right now his justification for his lawsuit against Laurier. But Laurier seems determined to fumble their way into their own destruction. Their statement of defense read like it was written by a smarmy 16-year-old and contained a ridiculous error that may fast-track Peterson's victory in the matter.
Peterson has never been a guy I discovered my ideas from, or who even largely shaped them. The philosopher that helped refine my ideas most was Dallas Willard - I've said this many times. But I had already developed a primitive form of my current views when I was 12 years old. As I've learned more I've become better at expressing them (Peterson has been helpful here, but mostly it's because he made the conversation mainstream), and while I've refined and corrected them in many ways the core has never changed.
(Old Spike)
Well you quote him a hell of a lot for someone who doesn't agree with him on plenty of things.
(Old Spike)
Disagreeing with him on plenty of things doesn't mean I don't agree with him on many things - I didn't get "my ideas" from him. Anyone still left here who was here when I came on in 2011 knows that. This stuff goes back to C.S. Lewis and prior. I use Peterson to quote on phenomenology because he's now highly recognizable and accepted in the genuine mainstream (not the false mainstream). My goal is to make people aware of the falseness of the binary choices that have been stuffed down their throats by a dying and now largely illegitimate former mainstream.
(Old Spike)
If I'm talking to you I'd rather hear what you think than anyone else, even smart people like Neitche.... sometimes a small quote & link is cool tho. Peterson has some popularity but a lot of people are turned off by him. He can be interesting if you have 2 hours to hear a different take on psychology but that's about as far as it goes IMO. The self-help & Christian stuff can be pretty off-putting. The anti-radical-left stuff resonates with some people but that's getting pretty played out these days dontchya think?
(Old Spike)
Why do you find the self-help and "Christian stuff" off-putting? Of all the things JBP does, the anti-radical-left stuff is not nearly the most important. The conversation - the Nietzschean dilemma - this is what matters. It's really all that matters, right now, for our future.
(Old Spike)
yeah apologies for that. i thought the same thing, but the content was too much worth watching to pass over for just that violation.
(Old Spike)
Saudis think they can act with impunity and they're right. They buy tens of billions of arms from US & UK & are in bed with Israel. That's all the leverage you ever need as a state atm.
(Short Spike)
Just a guess what they were trying to imply was ........
We ( America ) messed with things in other land far away and we got 9/11 . Canada mess with things in other places they too will get another 9/11 ....
There is a guy in jail right now that was arrested for his refusal to comply with an order by Saudi authorities to tweet a specific text to support the Saudi-led blockade of Qatar. In September prosecutors began seeking the death penalty for him over that.
Saudi it is all about holding on Power and money keeping it any way they can politics ,religion, oil . Good news is This is a desperate last attempt to hold on because Oil is running out soon .
(Old Spike)
None of us think it is good news when insane terroristic authoritarian regimes become desperate.