WHAT A BITCH, i start a campaign where i randomly punch women because they x their legs
i am a man i got balls it just dont feel right when i sit with closed legs not because of the balls but they open automatically it has nothing to do with sex what a fucking whore
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
think it's fake.
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The Evil Bat (Long Spike)
Dousing guys when they are asleep on the fucking train? What a thundercunt! Especially when it's a bleach/water cocktail. And what about those guys who weren't sitting next to anyone? Bitch gonna get slapped. And technically what she is doing is assault.
I don't think she has taken into the account of the fact that if someone was to force her to drink the rest of that bottle she could potentially die.
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phanto (Short Spike)
That can't be real. I know nothing of the Russian laws but I can't see someone openly doing this and not going to jail.
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WarlockGnome (Long Spike)
Richouse battery of a person for being disrespected. Do you know how many women would be beat for being disrespectful??? ...oh right islam.
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Rhaaaaa (Old Spike)
She is the same one that made that show your pants protest in the metro, I think they are pulling our chin for attention.
Also that girl doing the "show your ass" and the actual sprinkling is a hero, I would be afraid to do both in Russia in the metro.
(Old Spike)
WHAT A BITCH, i start a campaign where i randomly punch women because they x their legs
i am a man i got balls it just dont feel right when i sit with closed legs not because of the balls but they open automatically it has nothing to do with sex what a fucking whore
(Old Spike)
think it's fake.
(Long Spike)
Dousing guys when they are asleep on the fucking train? What a thundercunt! Especially when it's a bleach/water cocktail. And what about those guys who weren't sitting next to anyone? Bitch gonna get slapped. And technically what she is doing is assault.
I don't think she has taken into the account of the fact that if someone was to force her to drink the rest of that bottle she could potentially die.
(Short Spike)
That can't be real. I know nothing of the Russian laws but I can't see someone openly doing this and not going to jail.
(Long Spike)
Richouse battery of a person for being disrespected. Do you know how many women would be beat for being disrespectful??? ...oh right islam.
(Old Spike)
She is the same one that made that show your pants protest in the metro, I think they are pulling our chin for attention.
Also that girl doing the "show your ass" and the actual sprinkling is a hero, I would be afraid to do both in Russia in the metro.
(Short Spike)