Signs Of Trump's Dementia

During Trump's first six months in office, Trump showed many signs of dementia. It has just become worse. His supporters will tell you he is the greatest president in history or fire back with "...but Hillary and Obama you libtards" in an effort to deflect from Trump's inept handling of the office of president, his Twitter skills which are at 3rd grade girl-level, his continuous lying, warped ego, his narcissistic personality disorder, and the embarrassment he brings to himself and this country. It's old. Step up and at least admit he's a buffoon and a liar. I hated Hillary and truly believe the last election was the worst choice ever offered. I'm definitely conservative and a lifelong Republican but I would never become a Trump supporter with the character of the man and the shitshow he has brought.
Oh and this after my brother just told everyone in the family that the tax plan Trump is pushing will save us millions over the first 3 years. If I was in the bottom 95% of the country economically, I would be pissed off a lot more.
The lies just get bigger, more fantastic, and his pathological lying becomes more regular as time goes by.