Self Proclaimed MMA Fighter vs Security Guards

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Viral security guard tumbangkan pahlawan MMA

"I am an Alpha" bullshit gets quashed.  There are times and places to know when your good at something.

He was denied enterance to the private residence. Because he was bigger than the security guard he decided to flex alpha status in the hopes that would get him in.

“Way to go big man. There wasn’t a need for you to fight in the first place,” a netizen wrote. “Those ‘morons’ were not only doing their job but they were also backing up the person you kicked first. You’re the aggressor here.”

“When things don’t go your way, sometimes it’s better to take the high road and walk away,” another commenter pointed out.

“The fighting arts is meant to defend and one should uphold the code of honor and a true warrior spirit.”

Meanwhile, the security guards were largely commended and received tons of praise in the original post’s comments section.

“Dear residents of this condo, you guys are really lucky to have all these guards who fight for you,” a well-liked comment noted. “When you see them, greet them with smiles, thank them, treat them some food and drinks. Rest assured they will make sure all of you are in safe hands.”

“Respect for this guard,” another one wrote. “Despite his small size, he stood his ground and fought back ferociously. He did his job and did not turn his back when threatened with bodily harm. I would love to have this kind of guards keeping security in my development.”

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