Dennis Prager & Michael Shermer: A Conversation About God and Morality


danmanjones's picture

these people talking about morality? jesus.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why does Shermer even bother to converse with a fraud like Prager.

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SoJourn's picture

Shermer crushes Prager, he brings at least two of his arguements to the logical end and Pragers only answer is God did it.  

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I'm going to go out on a limb and say, because he is an American and in America we an this weird ideal of not fleeing from or attempting to shutdown people with whom we disagree.  We respect the right of obvious wrong people to make obvously wrong statements so long as they are willing to defend them against criticism.  We don't run to big brother Government to censor them as promoters of "hate speech" and claim what they say is "offenseive".

Note I said it was an ideal, sadly it is being eroded by our loony left who have co-opted shitty cultural Marxist ideals from your part of the globe.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Bollocks to that.

This has nothing to do with "fleeing from a discussion" but all with taking people seriously. I can't take people seriously that promote their "University" when indeed it isn't one. So he is a fraud. I don't care whether he is left or right leaning neither, a fraud is a fraud. Nothing to add and no base for a discussion. 

It's like others wasting their time on creationists......

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

The answer to the emptiness of the consumerist culture is not to go back to religion. It's to build a social awareness, a technological society, a new cultural story revolving around the things we actually know to work as far as 'human good' is considered.

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