Educating the Propagandized on Science


sato's picture

i'm gonna guess "masks work, this guy denies or doesn't understand the science"...

controlled trials (as in the participants don't even know mask effectiveness is the thing being studied) find 0% effectiveness.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Masks are about as effective as a lucky rabbits foot.


They are great at making the rest of the world look like China as well showing how many people are irrationally afraid of oxygen.


They are good at promoting cancer growth and damaging the emotional intelligence development of children.

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KarlJohanson's picture

And they explode sometimes and sometimes turn people into giant monsters that wreck iconic buildings around the world!!!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The difference between what you said and what I said is I said the truth, and you made up lies in a pathetic attempt to reframe the issue.


Sorry But Trudeau burned that card to the point of impotence long ago.

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skeptoid's picture

It's strange how when their ideology comes up against reason the "go to" is always a low-intelligence mocking play. And that's it. That's all they have - they've left reason far behind in the dust.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Vaush at least put it honestly. "IT'S ALL ABOUT WINNING!"


The key to winning is being outcome independant, while making preparations for unfavourable outcomes.


If people want to wear a mask, go for it. I really don't care.


But don't you dare try to make me do what you are doing while telling me it's all because of science and consideration for others.


It isn't. It's virtue signalling and because of fear.


Nothing wrong with that. But know thyself.

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