On Friday US VP Mike Pence held a rally to affirm Guaido as president, stopping just shy of declaring war.
On Saturday the anti-government faction held a huge rally:
Large crowd of pro-Guaido protestors in Caracas. They’re protesting against Nicolas Maduro#Venezuela #2Feb pic.twitter.com/xB0zib3Gyv
— Indian Imported Fabric Design (@rksjp1990) February 2, 2019
On Saturday Maduro held a 20th Anniversary of Chavez' rise to power:
Twenty years ago, Hugo Chávez assumed power. Today, in Caracas, an enormous Chavista march to reject interventionism and US warmongering. pic.twitter.com/gHJwU3GLG5
— venezuelanalysis.com (@venanalysis) February 2, 2019
On Friday a pro-government rally was held:
¡Esto es en #MONAGAS! No es un montaje, ni efectos de cámara, así estuvo la avenida Bolívar de Maturín, en rechazo al golpe se estado continuado que dirige el gobierno de EEUU contra Venezuela y en apoyo al presidente @NicolasMaduro @dcabellor pic.twitter.com/NS2KGh22Cc
— Iván Alfonso Rivera (@ivanrive3) February 2, 2019
An Air Force general has defected.
Just don't call it a coup
Maduro is going to go, the only question is how. @Uncle_Jimbo explains with @trish_regan. #Venezuela pic.twitter.com/b8vRsXbFOu
— Security Studies Group (@SecStudiesGrp) February 2, 2019