How Close was US-Iran War?

danmanjones's picture

Iran’s FM Zarif The U.S. ‘has brought the region very close to the brink’

Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister of Iran


The quote that's making headlines (but they're not repeating it entirely):

The United States, based on misinformation, based on ignorance & arrogance combined, took a course that has brought the region to the brink.


The entire interview is 26 mins long:


The parts edited out of the video above:

- Trump is receiving bad information about the region from his advisors

- US sympathy in the world is low, eg. there are posters of Soleimani in Rome

- The background of the K-1 airbase attack ... it's come out today in NYT & other MSM (ISIS attacked it, not Kataib Hezbollah)

- Soleimani told PMU to chill after US took out their bases & killed dozens of them, right before he was killed

- Iraqi parliament has asked US to leave

- Trump's plan for Palestine has incited violence happening right now

- Even Republican-controlled Senate is tired of loose cannons in the Whitehouse

- American people don't want Trump to go on a disasterous adventure

- Trump needs to accept that maximum pressure on Iran & tearing up the JCPOA was a mistake

- Iran is not being given the tools to read what's in the blackbox

- Boeing has been invited to take part in the investigation but so far hasn't accepted & won't help with blackbox

---- this last part is chilling, starting from 24:25 ----

- Iran is not interested in escelation, it takes a lot of courage from Trump to admit he's made a mistake with his Iran policy

- More of the same will continue until US can walk back, people are responsible for the consequences of their actions


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