an interview with a guy in ottawa


skeptoid's picture

Here's Shawn Folkes again - says the guy with the Nazi flag was walking around saying "Is this what you want for our country" and had a European accent. Sounds like a relative of Daft Cunt to be honest.


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stokkebye's picture

Just like with Trump, all the hate got riled up by Russia collusion hoax and no one believed him until now. Yet people still forget how they got all emotional in the first place. How much propaganda was fed into peoples minds and now they are out in the streets calling them racist, how many will see this video? How many will change their minds? Very few. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Thanks for this vid. When he talked about a Cabal I rolled my eyes but otherwise an interesting dare I say balanced perspective on the matter. Still don't agree about folks with kids hanging around though. Not after what this has morphed into. And tonight I see Ontario authority pleading with parents with minor children present to make arrangements, in advance, for the kids should they be arrested. So, not looking good.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

he's got issues

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah. No, I'm just thinking this is coming to a head in Ottawa by the weekend. Here in Quebec, they seem to be dragging their feet on ending measures. Don't forget that Quebec having March break a full 2 weeks before Ontario changed the entire trajectory or the pandemic here vs the rest of Canada, with COVID hitting us much harder at first. Some talk I've heard in research circles suggests they might be waiting to get on the other side of Quebec's March break (which comes first mind you) before removing restrictions. I'm curious how it will play out.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm doubling down thats its over before monday. kids everywhere will still be in school and parents less likely to show up, also, cops brought in the fences an hour ago and they gave out notices earlier today

fences go up, driver gets arrested, someone jumps in and drives it away, cement block dropped in place, its a guarenty that they have rcmp and opp and probably the police that know how to drive big rigs


also, the mayor wants heads. council meeting was fire, one voiced that they're going back to 1950's policing. they know it has to go there but they're not happy about it

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

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