Some say this immigration is preventable but is being allowed as part of a crazy conspiracy theory.
Others say France is trying to prevent illegal immigration but must keep open borders because democracy & freedom.
(3 votes)
Some say this immigration is preventable but is being allowed as part of a crazy conspiracy theory.
Others say France is trying to prevent illegal immigration but must keep open borders because democracy & freedom.
(Long Spike)
At least there are a lot of women in the migrant hordes coming into Europe to add to the diversity. What a disaster.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
In a production system based on figuratively free resources taken from the lands of others will produce a lot of migrants from those areas the 'free' resources are from. The way to prevent the migration is to keep the local populace so poor that all they can do effectively is starve. If the poverty is then mitigated enough by aid work the chances are that the locals, not being retarded, will use their new given opportunities to improve their lot in life. That is, they'll migrate to those nations using their resources.
To stop migration at it's starting points is relatively easy. All we have to do is pay about 50% more for our import stuff. So a product like bananas or cellphones and so on do not have to cost that much more to provide enough income to the system to pay those whose resources we are using to make our lives so easy. Assuming we built the system in such a way that it actually rewarded those who deserve rewards instead of this random lottery of success we have today.
(sounds retarded)
So, what you are saying is that if I let my house go to shit and not fix anything I can just pick up and move in with you and you will take care of me? Sounds good to me, when can I move in?
(Long Spike)
No, dumbass.
(Old Spike)
Aid work is FakeNews. Gadaffi was on the right track. Actual sovereignty of wealth for African nations with a real plan to build up their industry & agriculture sector. Once they have their own finance, industry & agriculture it'll be much harder for corporations to fleece them, espcially if African states can unite diplomatically. If we need to pay 50% more for this to happen (doubtful) then sign me up.
Incidentally, the Chinese have developed a way to grow rice in the desert using salt water. Not that China is innocent in the exploitation racket, just not quite as ruthless as the Western bankers/globalist corporations/governments so far.
Also, even if the ~4 billion people in the 3rd world were happier in their own countries, we'd still need to secure our borders.
(Long Spike)
Pretty much what you describe is needed indeed. And why what you described is always the thing destroyed in a nation destined to be a 'free resource area' for global production. A simple price increase on import products and resources with no sensible direction as to how that income is spent wouldn't help at all. Whether the price increase is done by a government of some type or a private corporation. One effect might be to slow down the consumer market a little globally and perhaps increase the local production a little in the wealthy nation/s.
But whatever needs to happen to improve the lot of migrant nations it needs to include the cutting of co-operation between corrupt government of the migrant nation and for profit corporations one way or another.
China does seem to be investing in the future. They actually seem to be preparing for the reality that shit is hitting the fan. It worries me that the west seems to be flailing around in the illusion that the current status quo can be maintained for much longer.
Secure borders are needed sure but not against citizens and such. While the Schengen deal cannot in any way or form be claimed to be the sole reason for why Europe has calmed down during the last 20-30 years it was and is an essential part of the current peace. But secure borders are a difficult thing for free societies to achieve. America can't handle it even though they have a president who wants literal walls on the border. China tried it and failed. *shrug* If as a nation you have something another nation or large group of people wants and the only way to get that something is war or mass migration then those things will happen. One way or another.
(Old Spike)
What do you mean by the Scehngen deal is important for peace in EU?
I'm not sure why Trump isn't building the wall, I think he failed to get it through the government. I'm in favour of it though. A country without border control is not a country. If EU want free travel they need to secure the perimeter IMO. Boat people are sailing in from Libya & then gain access to the any country they like. It's madness.
Maybe I'm just old fashioned & countries are the way of the past but IMO, with the current state of the people in control I don't trust a global scenario one bit. These motherfuckers will enslave the shit out of us all, no doubt about it.
(Long Spike)
Nigeria is doing the best? I imagine it's because of their oil resources and if the corruption and graft in that country is the best, it's a very low bar even just to start with.
(Old Spike)
I have very limited understanding but from my knowledge there are 3 factions there in a rotating power sharing arrangement and somehow it hasn't broken down into a civil war for at least 20 years & everyone is playing nice.
(Long Spike)
The Schengen is important in the way that there is now a generation of people in Europe that have been able to travel freely within which has encouraged travel without. More people meeting different cultures, even neighbouring ones seems to be creating a generation that does not share the same ideals as the war and great generations. Time will tell if that's real or just youthful exuberance. It has also been claimed that the Schengen has in its way helped business flourish in Europe but I wouldn't know about the numbers to back that up.
A country needs border control in the sense that there isn't room for all the people that might want to come in. Or there might not be enough resources to go around. Or the people might get access to services that are costly. etc. The EU does need better border control, which starts in the nations the migrants or refugees are coming from and continues with middle ground control through funding programs in travel-through nations, closing nearer home with border guards at the figurative line on the map and ending with sensible integration programs within the country. It's a big thing, not just borders. Most of which the EU has but which aren't producing the desires results as who the fuck knows what Turkey is planning or why the hell France decided to bitchslap Italy by toppling the Libyan regime. Afaik most Libyan refugees are going to Italy. So division within the ranks might be leading to a lackluster approach that doesn't produce the desires results at all.
Countries have their place in the lives of humans for the foreseeable future and I do hope we can prevent their reduction to meaningless nightguards as the megacorporations of tomorrow try to own everything.