Pride and Drag Queen Satanists

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Pride and Drag Queen Satanists

The very essence of the daft cult on SpikedNation. If you doubt the reality of the theology of Marcuse wokeism, I understand. But it's real - this is what they believe. This is what they want. This is what they stand for. This is what they will even kill for - the freedom to subjugate, pervert and exploit those who are weaker and more innocent than they are. They demand it, because they need it. They are 2000-year throwbacks to a former stage of human evolution, now resurgent with much funding and support by powerful special interests. They want to prevent evolution towards God's Kingdom in Heaven realized on Earth because they KNOW they could never exist in such a place. 


Let's do whatever we can to make sure they are left behind, and forever removed from the future of the human race. There is no room for pedophiles in the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, Yeshua said their best bet is to tie a mill stone to their own necks and throw themselves into the deepest part of the ocean. This would be a merciful end as compared to what awaits them by their own choice as they refuse to repent.


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