Text to Video

backdraft's picture

Openai Sora In Action l 40+ Video Compilation

All made with a few text prompts


Just a year back it was like this

AI Video | Know Your Meme

Average: 5 (1 vote)


GKhan's picture

The realism is incredible. I can't even imagine how this will change the future. 

And what's going to happen to movie production companies?

Writers, actors, all the support people roles will disappear. 

Are there still digital design or computer graphic schools?


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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

I think the tech is a long way from replacing actors. Sure, they can do CG models and make them totally believable soon, but the acting would be the hard part. I has to be 100% and then some for it to pass as an "actor".  

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GKhan's picture

Hmmm, yeah, modeling human behaviour and personality over a movie in different interactions I can see being difficult. Yet, the AI can render confident and perhaps with some tweaking from the producer or writer the actor wouldn't be needed. Soo perhaps replaced by other roles.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

My hunch is people could tell the difference between a good actor and even a perfected AI character. Maybe a sort of uncanny valley of human emotions / interaction that doesn't quite feel genuine.   But yeah, who know how fast we will get to that point that it's totally passable. AI's developing crazy fast.



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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Hey i cried when watching Wall-E 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Yeah was going to mention that animation is totally different.

Animation is a human putting his / her imagination, art and soul in to the character.  The opposite of AI

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

yeah that is true it was made by humans, human stuff will always be better, but you can combine the two like world and character generation by AI and animating by humans, that would save a great cost and time

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n0val33t's picture
front page

I can make a clip right now of me .....(no disrespect) poking your grandmother. You account for the factorial drivers. "Tomorrow" I could be trough share extrapolation and combining data ...you're entire family's features create a copy of your ancestor 1000 years back


We are at the brink of something crazy, and obscene exponential growth. 


It's not years, maybe months.....untill it's.....finishes this reply before i can even type a letter

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

I can't get over the very first one. Did they prompt AI to create a video of an amputee in bed trying to hug his cat using his phantom limb? What the feezuck is going on with his arm?

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