TimcastIRL Studio Invaded by nutjob AND SWATTED AGAIN Last Night

skeptoid's picture

TimcastIRL SWATTED AGAIN Last Night, Strange Man Broke Onto Our Property, We Are Pressing Charges

This is what those who post videos to this site with glee of people getting beaten, tazed, and arrested in the street for asking questions are trying to get done. It's an actual real danger I face, even for my participation here, on this site. My advice is to know exactly who the people are who know who you are and want you dead for speaking out against their fascist state religion.


Oh, and apparently a 1 gigabit DDOS attack was launched against Timcast IRL during the show as well. 

Average: 1.7 (6 votes)


danman's picture

he's swatting himself for content

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skeptoid's picture

^ There - RIGHT THERE! Thank you for this. Just want to get this reply in quick so you don't change what you wrote.


So here you're either making fun of yourself - taking the lies you push about Tim and others and acknowledging the absurdity of what you do here on the site. Or, much more likely, you actually believe that you can convince really, really, really stupid people that Tim Pool is swatting himself for content - risking death for views. 


Don't you think it's about time you left? You've just essentially declared that every claim you make on this site is done with tongue in cheek and a half-formed, shit-eating grin. Thanks again.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

We just don't respect timmy...


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skeptoid's picture

Remember when you danced with Mother Teresa on the roof of the Space Shuttle while it orbited the planet Venus and she stepped on your toe so you vaporized her with your laser eyes?


Oh, and thanks to all 5 of you for driving the most views of a post today to me. Our plan is working - shhhhhhhhhh!

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

What is happening is very simple. Popular populists are getting swatted as a message to everyone else. "If it can happen to him, it can happen to you'


However the massive oversight they are making is that if anything becomes of this then it will create martyrs, which will serve to become a rallying symbol.



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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Your greatest accomplishment so far

remember you talked and posted nothing but crap

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skeptoid's picture

Do you ever talk crap, Dude? Remember when you were Jesus and they nailed you to the cross?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

yes i do

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skeptoid's picture


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

So you don't believe the Jesus story? You don't think he existed?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You are just not going to answer anymore?

Yet you are taking stabs at me in other places

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You are just not going to answer anymore?

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