Trump Supporters dealing with a protester.

BabyDuckling's picture

Closer Look: Black Girl Being Assaulted By White Trump Supporters

There are Fan Sites for Al Bamberger for folks like FullAuto and Skeptoid:

But Al Bamberger has offered a short not full appology,  he would rather blame the world before blaming himself for his racism:

“I am not associated with any type of racist organizations and did not push the young lady because she was black. I went to the rally to have a good time, support the veterans, and see Donald Trump,” Bamberger wrote. “Unlike the people that surrounded me at the event, whose main purpose was to cause chaos and create videos, I went there with no intention of participating in a confrontation and I deeply regret my involvement. I have embarrassed myself, my family, and Veterans. This was a very unfortunate incident and it is my sincere hope that I can be forgiven for my actions.”

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BabyDuckling's picture

This video is evidence in the case that a Judge Ruled that Trump may have incited Violence and is ramping up the investigation:

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BabyDuckling's picture

Fucking looks like the 1950's when white people used to roar at Black people for wanting a properly funded public education.

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Grothesk's picture

Fucking looks like from over a year ago.  We get it: some of his supporters are fucking shit.  Why are you dredging this up?

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BabyDuckling's picture

Just reposting before everone reposts everything else i posted.  so far 36 posts reposted from mine by others .  yet i get yelled at by you and Skept for reposting my own posts.  and i only reposted twice.

It is touching tho that i influenced their youtube "Recomendations" and "Watch Again" tho,  kinda like i made them all think about how awesome babyduckling is compared to them.

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