US Dictatorship - Trump's War Power Expansion

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US Congress debates whether to expand war powers of Donald Trump

Using the Syrian air strikes (based on lies) as justification, Trump’s legal team are trying to push through one of the most expansionist interpretations of the president’s military powers in recent memory:

The President’s authority to direct U.S. military forces arises from Article II of the Constitution, which makes the President the “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States,”


The legal opinions of executive advisers and the still weightier precedents of history have established that the President, as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive, has the constitutional authority to deploy the military to protect American persons and interests without seeking prior authorization from Congress


--- This is in massive contrast to what's laid out in the US constitution where the founders were clear that only Congress should decide when to go to War...

  Article II states:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States"


Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 states:

The Congress shall have power to declare war

  Since the "Global War On Terror" was declared (are we winning yet?), the Congress has pretty much been stripped of the power to call the military into service. The talk these days is about "grey zones" like the Syrian theatre, among many others, all under the cover of "humanitarian intervention"! These "grey zones" basically are undeclared wars with the POTUS issuing decrees such as assassinations, bombings, invasions & occupations of sovereign territory.

- Obama did not seek authorisation from Congress to wage war in Libya or Syria.


The 2 authors of the bill are Tim Kaine (D) and Bob Corker (R) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee....

Netanyahu met with the committee 3 months ago.

      Tim Kaine (D)                                             Bob Corker (R)


1 month after Netanyahu's visit to the committee, Corker & Kaine announced they were working on this new bill.




Is Washington trying to usher in a war on Iran for Israel through the back door?





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