This is my 10th video, inspired by Spock's erroneous claim, in "Descent into Darkness," that Khan was the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced." In this video I compare Khan to the Doomsday Machine, from the episode of the same name, by Norman Spinrad. I did a bit more animation in this video compared to previous ones. The Doomsday Machine, also known as The Planet Killer, is one of the most dangerous adversaries in original Star Trek. Spock said "Khan was the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced." but he was wrong. This is part 10 in a series of videos working out which villains were more or less dangerous than Khan. The final video will list the most dangerous adversary in classic Star Trek (see if you can guess who it is). The Doomsday Machine is from the episode "The Doomsday Machine," written by Norman Spinrad. I learned the point that small amounts of Neutronium would explode via neutron decay from a video by Thunderf00t, "The Doomsday Explosive! (The Neutronium Bomb)." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_EBqZPCZdw