Yes - J. Michael Straczynski really did great work writing the outline for DS9. And Razorfist lies here when he says JMS claimed Paramount stole the concept from him - never claimed that. The concept isn't that original. He claimed that he showed them the outline for his 5 year arc and DS9 hit every major long-arc plot-point of his Babylon 5 outline throughout its run. Which is true.
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
DS9 was always my favourite of the Star Trek series, it had so much more depth.
(Old Spike)
agree. the others all focus too much on character development. ok sure the characters are a big part of the show, but usually it's like they don't even exist in the universe they're placed. ds9 showed the whole story, the events unfolding in the galaxy and the changes whole civilizations, not just individuals, went through because of them. the way it was done was also much borader, eg we got to see the cardassian idea of justice through the eyes not of a single cardassian character, but through the cardassians as a people.