Gif submissions are welcome here!
(9 votes)
(Site Moderator)
Sorry about the missing galleries of the past two weeks, they seem to have vanished into the matrix.
(Site Administrator)
yeah, my bad. i got it sorted and they are now up!
(Old Spike)
Is no one going to comment on "floor796", or is it just me who hasn't seen that before?
It blew my mind, nice find!
(Site Moderator)
yeah, I think I've spent over an hour on it so far and I've only just realized that you can click the characters for info on them.
(Old Spike)
Fuck you... or the maker... fuuuuck, I'ts a wiki too!
Can you find the first floor without ze googles, I've tried!
Was this your find btw?
(Site Moderator)
I think I found it on the pixelart subreddit where I sometimes hunt for gifs. What is the "first floor"?
(Old Spike)
Everything seems to be connected to another room, like some Rube Goldberg machine. My reasoning/assumption was that one should be able to trace it back to the first Frame/floor created.
Edit: So you're the Pixel art guy ;)