They're probably too polite to say it, but my guess is that Norwegians see America as kind of a shithole.
Average: 2.9(7 votes)
andypeterson35 (Short Spike)
Ya right lol.
ride the bus in america ?!?? Here in diego some psycho dude pulled a knife on me on the bus
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bronobo (Long Spike)
did this guy even ride public transportation in a large city before? 2 people on the bus? buses are crammed in rush hour. sometimes 2 buses drive together and it's barely enough. not everyone can go downtown and park their car to go to work. not everyone has a car. the rest of the day, it depends on which routes you're riding, but they're not that empty. either he's exaggerating or he grew up in a small city where everyone has a car or carpools, like the one i'm in now. the buses here are pretty much empty outside of peak hours.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
One thing that stands out about USA compared to OECD countries is the pathetic amount of holidays they get. As a full-time employeee in NZ we get 5 weeks per year of paid leave (incl public holdays) and 1 week of paid sick leave by law. France is kinda crazy, they get like 3 months! But in USA there's no law about paid leave. It's kinda unique in that way. I looked up the stats on how many days per year people work and it's insanely high in USA compared to other 1st-wworld countries. Basically USA is a nation of stressed out working bees who take copious amounts of legal drugs.
Oh yeah, and what you don't use in the paid anual leave just keeps building up over the years. You can save them up over the years & get paid out at the end or use some of it for your actual holiday. We get paid comparatively low wages here but.
(Short Spike)
Ya right lol.
ride the bus in america ?!?? Here in diego some psycho dude pulled a knife on me on the bus
(Long Spike)
did this guy even ride public transportation in a large city before? 2 people on the bus? buses are crammed in rush hour. sometimes 2 buses drive together and it's barely enough. not everyone can go downtown and park their car to go to work. not everyone has a car. the rest of the day, it depends on which routes you're riding, but they're not that empty. either he's exaggerating or he grew up in a small city where everyone has a car or carpools, like the one i'm in now. the buses here are pretty much empty outside of peak hours.
(Old Spike)
One thing that stands out about USA compared to OECD countries is the pathetic amount of holidays they get. As a full-time employeee in NZ we get 5 weeks per year of paid leave (incl public holdays) and 1 week of paid sick leave by law. France is kinda crazy, they get like 3 months! But in USA there's no law about paid leave. It's kinda unique in that way. I looked up the stats on how many days per year people work and it's insanely high in USA compared to other 1st-wworld countries. Basically USA is a nation of stressed out working bees who take copious amounts of legal drugs.
Oh yeah, and what you don't use in the paid anual leave just keeps building up over the years. You can save them up over the years & get paid out at the end or use some of it for your actual holiday. We get paid comparatively low wages here but.
(Long Spike)
smug asshole , culture is not your friend .
tell me more about your mormon mission ?