Adorable Puppy Forest Walk


Woodsman's picture

5/5 but sloped back shepherds = would not buy

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phanto's picture


Pedigree breeders are ruining dogs.

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danmanjones's picture

There are some that do like these & bulldogs & such but I'd rather get a breed than a mutt. I'd like it if we had breeders for humans too though so there's that :D

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Fuck this breeeder, hope she f.. dies a long painfull death. I mean 2 years, lung cancer in a hospttal bed leaving the rest of the family in crippeling debt kinda death. I hate these fucking ignorant doogbreeders... want to get another German Shep, but morally it be wrong as fucking fuck.. These cunts are the reason i had to put my best friend down, and it f... infuriates me. Not to mentin trying to insure a German Shep... forgettaboutit, unless its trauma it's not covered. The most expencive breed to insure atm, sickening.

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