Dumb dad doesn't want to take responsibility for his own ineptitude as a parent so he has to take it out on others...typical Trump supporter.
(10 votes)
Dumb dad doesn't want to take responsibility for his own ineptitude as a parent so he has to take it out on others...typical Trump supporter.
(Long Spike)
Idiot? fuck you dude. Buddy should be chemically castrated and burned alive. Think if that man was harming members of your family
(Old Spike)
Can you blame the guy though, look at his daughters, they're all pretty hot, tell me you wouldn't slip your finger in em' to see what it smelled like.
(Short Spike)
@pantysoaker, do you not understand what happened here? A monster sexually abused both of this guy's young daughters, and you call the father inept?
WTF. Are you insane?
What would you have done in this poor man's place?
The father asked side the judge for 5 minutes alone with this ass-hole, but of course the judge had to say no, so he went berserk... who could blame him?
Rethink your comments !
(Long Spike)
And I suppose you yourself 'pantysoaker', would sit yourself both with calm composure and patience while you sit in the same room with someone who has molested your children as you hear every detail of their molestation.
I feel I have fallen for troll bait here. But shut the fuck up you fucking idiot. You clearly don't have kids of your own, nor should you.
There. Fed the troll
(Long Spike)
^ I know some of you guys are "newer", meaning just a few years to the site...but PantySoaker says NOTHING truthful in his video titles nor descriptions. He always aims to get a response.
(Site Moderator)
Pantysoaker trolls are so over the top that usually nobody takes them seriously. This might be the first response he's got in years.
(Old Spike)
Indeed, pantysoaker is awesome at troll titles. It's amusing to see the new fish taking the bait.