Word on the street is they brought some new blood in to "fix" the series in season 2 and this is your first preview of what they have planned.
(6 votes)
Word on the street is they brought some new blood in to "fix" the series in season 2 and this is your first preview of what they have planned.
(Short Spike)
Maybe we'll get lucky and season 2 will have the USS Discovery, you know, actually do some Discovery. At this point i dont know why they didnt name it the USS Destruction.
(Site Administrator)
More like 'old' blood. You will remember from the original series that Spock was on the Enterprise with Captain Pike, a good 20+ years before Kirk took command. That knowing look Burnham gives Sarek means they know Spock is on that ship. This should be fun...
(Old Spike)
Ya I realized that a bit later. Spock has to be on that ship.