Star Trek D S2 Preview *spoilers*

skeptoid's picture

USS Discovery meets USS Enterprise NCC 1701 - S01E15 - 720P HD

Word on the street is they brought some new blood in to "fix" the series in season 2 and this is your first preview of what they have planned.

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)


Trevicahn's picture

Maybe we'll get lucky and season 2 will have the USS Discovery, you know, actually do some Discovery.  At this point i dont know why they didnt name it the USS Destruction. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

More like 'old' blood. You will remember from the original series that Spock was on the Enterprise with Captain Pike, a good 20+ years before Kirk took command.  That knowing look Burnham gives Sarek means they know Spock is on that ship.  This should be fun...

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skeptoid's picture

Ya I realized that a bit later. Spock has to be on that ship.

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