Inside the Wakandan Ethnostate

skeptoid's picture

The Politics of Black Panther

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 3.3 (7 votes)


skeptoid's picture
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Fullauto223cal's picture

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Grothesk's picture

It's kind of funny....isn't Wakanda exactly what right wingers want?  

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Fullauto223cal's picture

My point.  You are fond of labeling anyone to the right of Marx as a racist.  Question:  Do you consider the fictional characters who espouse these ideas in the movie as "racist"?

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Grothesk's picture

You obviously haven't seen the movie.  I will await until you gain all the appropriate information before you make yourself look like more of an ass. 


Hint and spoiler:  the entire underlying premise of the movie is that Wakanda *shouldn't* be as extreme as they are in any of the bullshit you linked above.

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skeptoid's picture

From a purely generic fascist perspective, yes. Spencer has endorsed this movie - he's out there saying "Now THIS is what I'm talkin' 'bout!" White Nationalism and Black Nationalism work hand-in-hand at a global level - like syncronized swimmers with guns pointed at each other. It's group-identity politics taken to it's natural conclusion, which also makes it extreme left. Fact is, if you go far enough left or right you end up at this place called "crazy". Everyone meets there, sets up ethnostates, works out who will get to make and sell all of the ammunition and weapons, and then they all go back to their nations to prepare for World War Infiniti.

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Grothesk's picture

Would you state that Black Panther seemed "crazy" to you when you watched it?  In my mind the movie had two very general political things to say:  #1 - Isolationism has both benefits and drawbacks, and #2 - black people all over the world who feel that they have been oppressed may become dangerous if they're given fantasy weapons.  There was also a cute little snip at Trump during the post-credits scene where he says "fools build barriers", but that sentiment has been around for a long time and was even poked at in Pacific Rim, which came out in 2013, long before Trump even mentioned a wall.

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eh's picture

The people in the movie explaining it like it's actual real life and people talking about it like it's a groundbreaking movie when IT'S A FUCKING SUPERHERO MOVIE is just plain bizarre.

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Grothesk's picture

I can't wait for the RedLetterMedia review to come out so I can post it in these comments.  I would like to see people who can properly review a movie without making it conform to whatever political lens in which they view reality.  They'll cut through this bullshit like it's butter.

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danmanjones's picture

A friend of mine saw it yesterday & she reckons it's a bit meh. Excellent graphics but she gave it a 6.5. The Rotten Tomatoes score is out of whack.

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eh's picture

I'm going to guess she wasn't black. There were some black girls on the news who were running in circles saying if it didn't win best picture at the Academy Awards, then it's all racist-dead serious.

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Grothesk's picture

I just watched it and it was just another Marvel superhero movie.  I liked that it was isolated from most of the other Marvel franchises and stood on its own, but it really wasn't anything special.

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Grothesk's picture

As promised, here are some level-headed guys who simply watched a movie and didn't work themselves up into a hissy fit over a fucking comic book movie:


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Fullauto223cal's picture

work themselves up into a hissy fit over a fucking comic book movie:


Please tell me you are referring to all the SJWs who claim anyone who gives a negative review online must be a racist.

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Grothesk's picture

Challenge:  link me a person saying that you are racist if you don't like Black Panther.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

You are completely unaware of what Rotten Tomatoes said and did it would appear.

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Grothesk's picture

They treated this like any other Marvel movie.  Again, feel free to link me a person stating that you are racist if you dont like Black Panther.  I mean, you used the phrase "all the" literally can't link to any ONE of "all the" people stating this?  Seems fishy, FullAutoGal.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Confirmed, you are completely unaware of what Rottne Tomatoes said.

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Dhagon's picture

Man the media is really pushing this down everyone's throat with more vigor than it usually does for generic and crappy comic book movies. I checked my morning paper today and right next to the school shooting news on the front page is a huge muli-page article about how revolutionary and groundbreaking this movie will be etcetera etcetera. Wtf, it looks like the same crap Hollywood has shat out for the past decade except it stars a black guy this time around. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

but you need black panther cause he's the only one that can weild the infinity gauntlet

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Grothesk's picture

Once they get the power rings they can save the Princess Zelda.  This movie is very political you see...with the ultra stones, the purple alien god-monster, and the bullet-proof cat suits.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

but allteast it won't have forest midgets passing gay looks at each other and a wizard that doesnt use magic

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skeptoid's picture

Those are looks of fellowship, not gay looks DAMNIT SAL!


Although you do have to wonder a bit about Frodo - dude doesn't show one ounce of attraction to any female in the books or the movies. Maybe he did want Sam's cock inside his hobbit hole.

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eh's picture

Anyone who doesn't wonder about Frodo when he doesn't get shook when hot Galadriel is around along with many FINE female elves is lying.

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Grothesk's picture

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skeptoid's picture

LOL I love how this is the only upload for that channel since 2007.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

"The first black super hero in his own movie."



Damn, I must be the only motherfucker completely unaware that Blade was neither black nor an action hero.


As it turns out, Blade is just a drama about an old white vampire hunter named Whistler who adoped a poor black kid as his side kick.  The fact that the movie is named after the side-kick is merely a fluke apparently.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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Grothesk's picture

I'm assuming this meme was simply slapped together on like Thursday for a LOL...because it's extremely incorrect.  


Black Panther absolutely raped at the box office.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Jesus Christ Mr. Fudd.  First off, jokes cannot be "incorrect" but worst of all you completely missed the fucking punch line.  Let me explain it like I would to a child.  The joke is that the attendance is disappointing because all the black people attending were counted as 3/5 of a person, ya know, like how it use to be?  Fuck you are dense.

If it killed great.  Capitalism works!  Yea!  I do not quite get what all the hubbub is about.  It's perplexing how a fantasy franchise invented by two white Jewish guys getting made into a live action film to the profit of rich white men who own Disney does anything to improve the actual standing of black culture.  This is not the first black super hero movie.  It seems to me that anyone who's happy FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN THE CHARACTERS ARE BLACK is just a racist.


I mean think about it.  If I went to Captian America and came saying it was a great film because the Hero was a white dude you'd look at me like I was a moron.  Funny how you don't see it that way when the tables are reversed.


Oh well, life goes on.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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