Cougar vs Cougar Confrontation

eh's picture

Mountain lion tries to get through glass door at Westlake Village home | ABC7

A family recalls the terrifying moment a mountain lion tried to get into their home through a back door. The cougar vs cougar confrontation should have been documented by a professional team of videographers and narrated by David Attenborough.


.......that cougar of the Australian variety is hot!

Average: 4.2 (16 votes)


Victorio's picture



And she looks like a big cunt.

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Woodsman's picture

I think she looks like a very nice lady.

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PrimeCuts's picture

speaks well, looks well, all is well

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Victorio's picture

poo mah.

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GKhan's picture

I just got the title... well done. and I'm getting old.

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lawngnome's picture

Her facebook says that she's from London. 

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eh's picture

You cyber stalked the cougar in the video?..........impressive......most impressive.


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lawngnome's picture

You mean, Inquisitively put her first name and her son's last name into facebook? 

No. My cousins told me where she lived. 

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eh's picture

Otherwise known as cyber stalking 101.

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Woodsman's picture

Although I did lose some respect for her when she was fucking texting while being filmed for the news.  Otherwise, nice lady.

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eh's picture

It sucks to see the crowds of walking dead texting zombies staring into phones but its the world we live in.

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