A family recalls the terrifying moment a mountain lion tried to get into their home through a back door. The cougar vs cougar confrontation should have been documented by a professional team of videographers and narrated by David Attenborough.
.......that cougar of the Australian variety is hot!
(16 votes)
(Long Spike)
And she looks like a big cunt.
(Old Spike)
I think she looks like a very nice lady.
(Old Spike)
speaks well, looks well, all is well
(Long Spike)
poo mah.
(Old Spike)
I just got the title... well done. and I'm getting old.
(Long Spike)
Her facebook says that she's from London.
(Long Spike)
You cyber stalked the cougar in the video?..........impressive......most impressive.
(Long Spike)
You mean, Inquisitively put her first name and her son's last name into facebook?

No. My cousins told me where she lived.
(Long Spike)
Otherwise known as cyber stalking 101.
(Old Spike)
Although I did lose some respect for her when she was fucking texting while being filmed for the news. Otherwise, nice lady.
(Long Spike)
It sucks to see the crowds of walking dead texting zombies staring into phones but its the world we live in.