Reporter Kind of Destroys Judge

skeptoid's picture

Judge busted on the job by Rob Wolchek

Just the right target for an investigative reporter - powerful enough to be worth exposing but not so powerful that the car the reporter is driving will suddenly accelerate into a large tree, exploding on impact.

Average: 4.8 (8 votes)


eh's picture

I didn't believe it the first time I heard it, but some states have elections for judges. My state has a lot of hoops for qualified people to even be considered for judgeships but some states have elections with complete morons winning and actually becoming judges. There are hundreds of examples of people with no legal experience whatsover winning what are basically "No-show" jobs. It's bizarre.

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Grothesk's picture

This is pretty great.  This is exactly what the media should be doing:  keeping tabs on these fuckin' crooks and ripping them apart. 

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gardendaleguy's picture

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