Get the property brothers in, paint the floors, rip out 2 walls and tile the bathroom to make it worth 8m.....
And what is this: You are allowed to put a 4 story building up and forced to make rental units out of it? If the city needs rentals why don't they fucking buy it?
What would be a rent for a 2-3 bed condo in this area?
There are property restriction all over the world, Canada and (of course) the lahaaaand of the freeheeeee having the worst but this is taking it a step too far.
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bradlox (Long Spike)
I'll never sell it .
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pimp635 (Member)
its the land not the house. China will continue to buy these up they are building a new Hongkong for when Petro takes over
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robbby1234 (Short Spike)
Fuck that first bitch. "What can we do about it?"
It's not her or anyone else's fucking business what can be done about it, except the seller and the purchaser. Fuck her.
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Dude (Old Spike)
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Spiritwalker (Short Spike)
Ha! Easy for you to say when you don't live in the area. Our housing prices are being artificially inflated by chinese millionares who are tax evading by shoring up their money in realestate assests in Vancouver and B.C.
Americans are always complaining about migrants and the competition brought by their cheap labour, but i'd take that any day over thousands of foreign millionares who price nearly every local out of the housing market and don't pay their taxes properly. It's funky bullshrimp.
Houses are going up 16-20% in value per year right now, the only young person I have heard of buying recently was someone who went to work in the oil fields doing 10-12 hour days, 28 days on, 7 days off, for 4 years with no vacations, and he still had to buy in a town 4.5 hours north east of van in order to be able to afford it.
(Old Spike)
Get the property brothers in, paint the floors, rip out 2 walls and tile the bathroom to make it worth 8m.....
And what is this: You are allowed to put a 4 story building up and forced to make rental units out of it? If the city needs rentals why don't they fucking buy it?
What would be a rent for a 2-3 bed condo in this area?
There are property restriction all over the world, Canada and (of course) the lahaaaand of the freeheeeee having the worst but this is taking it a step too far.
(Long Spike)
I'll never sell it .
its the land not the house. China will continue to buy these up they are building a new Hongkong for when Petro takes over
(Short Spike)
Fuck that first bitch. "What can we do about it?"
It's not her or anyone else's fucking business what can be done about it, except the seller and the purchaser. Fuck her.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
Ha! Easy for you to say when you don't live in the area. Our housing prices are being artificially inflated by chinese millionares who are tax evading by shoring up their money in realestate assests in Vancouver and B.C.
Americans are always complaining about migrants and the competition brought by their cheap labour, but i'd take that any day over thousands of foreign millionares who price nearly every local out of the housing market and don't pay their taxes properly. It's funky bullshrimp.
Houses are going up 16-20% in value per year right now, the only young person I have heard of buying recently was someone who went to work in the oil fields doing 10-12 hour days, 28 days on, 7 days off, for 4 years with no vacations, and he still had to buy in a town 4.5 hours north east of van in order to be able to afford it.