America's bible belt fanatically support ethnic cleansing of the people most closely related to Jesus.
Average: 4.1(7 votes)
danmanjones (Old Spike)
1 star, no comments. Truth hurts I guess.
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sato (Old Spike)
well it tells you that someone disagrees with you, but doesn't have any actual argument that supports it.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
Being real, I vote most of your Israel and Palestine videos 3/5 (middle of the road) so they can just receive a vote; I typically don't care about a lot of them so I throw it a right down the middle vote. But I definitely would understand someone seeing the 13th Israel-related video with over a 10 minute running time and just getting sick of it. There are some Spiked Nationals who don't approve of *any* political content on the site.
Something to consider.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
You almost singlehandedly fixed the site when it moved to this new design so I don't give a shit what you post, you get 5 stars from me.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Thanks a lot man. Nakey deserves a lot of credit too. Although the only reason I didn't want to be known to be the developer was because I don't want any special treatment at all.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
The fact that you removed the bullshit point system for posting images is what I most appreciate. The fact that certain people like Mr. Fudd were being given that privilege out of the gate because his politics aligned with that original coder was bullshit.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
It gets 5/5 from me - Christian fundies that support Zionism simply because it dovetails in their minds with the destruction of all the people they condemn as evil and their own glorious ascendance to heaven are, I think, hilariously misunderstanding the role they're playing in the story of Revelations. LOL They don't understand that they are, in fact, likely the baddies the book is referring to if it were in fact referring to something REAL that's happening NOW. How ironic.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
These people are so cringeworthy to watch because live around some of them.
I once called into a local talk radio show when they had on a local county commissioner whose big on pushing Jesus and his support of Israel. I asked him, on air, to confirm that he believed the only way to salvation was through the belief in the sacrifical blood of Jesus. He said yes of course.
I then stated that the only logical conclusion therefore was that every Jew living in Israel would be burning in hell when Jesus separates the wheat and the chalf. It was quite funny to hear him try all sorts of mental Gymnastics to reconcile his two positions. I told him there was plenty of solid secular reasons to back Israel.
Needless to say I was let go for the next caller after that, the host was also a big Christian guy and wasn't use to getting calls from people who ask tough questions.
I don't know if you realize this fact, it does sometimes happen that two groups reach a correct conclusion even when one uses an incorrect an idiotic methodology.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Do you think there are solid secular reasons to back the Palestinians too?
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
That depends on the actions of the Palestinians. Currently no as they are willing to elect shitheel scumbags like Hamas and continue to teach their children that's a good and noble think to kill the Jew (#NOT ALL). If they could ever manage to chill the fuck out and actually elect level headed people who want to create a prosperous county then of course.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Do the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves?
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Every human has a right to defend themselves. But if you're going to tell me that they are "occupied" and therefore any violence they commit is "defense" then you're barking up the wrong tree.
Israel has proven itself to be a bastion of religious liberty. What's so fucking aweful about just becoming part of Israel?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
What's so fucking aweful about just becoming part of Israel?
This isn't on the table - Israel won't allow this because it would mess with the racial demography of the "Jewish state". It is actually what the recent protests are based on - the right of Palestinians to return to the homes they owned in 1948.
But if you're going to tell me that they are "occupied" and therefore any violence they commit is "defense" then you're barking up the wrong tree.
I'm not telling you that. Why do you put "occupied" in quotes?
The Palestinians in the West Bank live under a cruel military occupation that enforces apartheid. The Palestinians in Gaza live in a horrible concentration camp, not an occupation. Gaza has been declared 'unlivible' people who've studied it. The situation is imposed on Gazans by Israel but Egypt plays a part too.
Israel has proven itself to be a bastion of religious liberty.
I don't see why this is relevant but it's not entirely true. Religious weddings are not legally recognized in Israel unless both people are the same denomination of the same religion [link] - it's law that they kept from the Ottoman empire. Granted, Israel does enforce people's right to worship whatever they like but this is true of most countries, even Iran.
Is there any form of violence that Israel commits that is unustified?
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
cruel military occupation that enforces apartheid
It's not apartheid.
Was the West Bank "occupied" between 1947 and 1967?
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
It is actually what the recent protests are based on - the right of Palestinians to return to the homes they owned in 1948.
The recent protests? In Gaza? Give me a break, that is a bullshit lie.
I know it's difficult to accept, but there was a war in 1948 and one side lost. The people who chose the losing side were the same people who abandoned their homes under the false promise that the Jews would be wiped out and they would be handed all the Jewish land.
And let's not forget that hundreds of thousands of Jews were expelled from the Arab nations that attacked Israel in 1948. How does it come that those Jews had to deal with losing everything yet Israel is expected to compensate the Arabs that fled Israel?
As far as them not being able to return, there is presidence for this. 12.5 million Germans in Poland and Czechoslovakia were expelled after World War II and allowed to take only those possessions they could carry. No one in Germany petitions today for the right of these millions of deportees and their children to return to the countries they were expelled from despite the fact that they and their ancestors had lived in those places for hundreds of years.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Why do you put "occupied" in quotes?
Because the West Bank is not occupied. The territories cannot be called occupied, as no nation had clear rights to them, and there was no operative diplomatic arrangement, when Israel acquired them in June 1967. Territories are only "occupied" if they are captured in war from an established and recognized sovereign, but no state had a legitimate or recognized sovereignty over the West Bank, Gaza Strip or East Jerusalem prior to the Six-Day War.
The Fourth Geneva Convention is not applicable to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, since, under its Article 2, it pertains only to "cases of…occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party" by another High Contracting party. The West Bank and Gaza Strip have never been the legal territories of any High Contracting Party.
Israel took control of the West Bank as a result of a defensive war. The language of "occupation" has allowed Palestinian spokesmen to obfuscate this history. By repeatedly pointing to "occupation," they manage to reverse the causality of the conflict, especially in front of Western audiences. Thus, the current territorial dispute is allegedly the result of an Israeli decision "to occupy," rather than a result of a war imposed on Israel by a coalition of Arab states in 1967. Former State Department Legal Advisor Stephen Schwebel, who later headed the International Court of Justice in the Hague, wrote in 1970 regarding Israel's case: "Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully, the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defense has, against that prior holder, better title."
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
The Palestinians in Gaza live in a horrible concentration camp, not an occupation.
This is another lie. I don't seem to remember people living in actual concentration camps being able to elect their own government. Gaza may be a shit hole but the question then is WHY is it a shit hole? No doubt you would point the finger at Isaral and tell me they're just being mean. When the reality is a bit more complicated. The reason Israel has enacted such tight security controls on what gets into Gaza is because there is a sizable contingent of people living there who will do whatever they can to attack Israel.
There would be no reason to limit the imports of Gaza if the people living there would give up on the idea that it's in their best interest to be vicious cunts. If they, I don't know, just wanted to actually live in peace then perhaps they would be better off.
Gaza has been declared 'unlivible' people who've studied it.
And who's fault is that. I know, but you won't like the answer.
The situation is imposed on Gazans by Israel but Egypt plays a part too.
Egypt plays a part too? You don't say? Funny how even a non-Jewish state is capable of seeing the people in Gaza are being lead by vicious cunts and know it's best to make sure they don't get their hands on weapons.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
the question then is WHY is it a shit hole
Yes that is the question. Gaza is a human rights crisis. You seem to defend the actions of Israel based on an election that was held in 2006. That's collective punishment of millions people for voting the wrong way & Hamas (a political party) isn't even popular in Gaza at the moment. If you're justifying Israeli violence because Hamas/Islamic Jihad have also committed violent acts then you're saying that violence is ok. Or do you condemn violence from both sides?
The reason Israel has enacted such tight security controls on what gets into Gaza is because there is a sizable contingent of people living there who will do whatever they can to attack Israel.
I don't think you realise the extent to which the blockade & other measures make life unlivable for people in Gaza. They have electricity for about 4 hours per day. They have running water for 6-8 hours at a time & not even every day. Over 90% of the water is toxic. Israel controls the water supply due to measures taken in the past few decades (mesasures that are in breach of agreements & illegal, not that you care about legality). How is restricting access to clean water & electricity a "security control"?
There's also a long conversation we could have about what's been going on politically in the past decade. Hamas has repeatedly offered to recognize the state of Israel. They refuse to accept it as "a Jewish state" but so did Truman [link]. Hamas has pretty much ceased all violent acts since 2014. As I said, it's a long conversation. I encourage you to look at both sides of the story & not just stick to the "Israel is only defending itself" narrative because this is ethnic cleansing we're witnessing. Well, witnessing is a strong term since the establishment media is pretty much doing everything it can to hide it.
And who's fault is that. I know, but you won't like the answer.
No I don't belive you do know. You seem to not even have a grasp on what the situation is in Gaza of the West Bank. If you knew the half of it you'd not be so one-sided. I suspect you want 'troublesome Palestinians' just to disappear, just like the people you mentioned that live in your community. The problem is that there are millions of Palestinian refugees in & around Israel - these are human beings. They are not Hamas. They are not terrorists. For 7 weeks they peacefully demonstrated while getting sniped by the IDF. It only made the news because of the May 14th circus. No Israelis were injured or killed. One suffered a little scratch. Thousands of people were sniped. Women, children and press were killed. It was no accident, they were sniped on direct orders when posing no threat whatsoever to the border. How is that Hamas' fault?
I'm going to come back to this "this is not a concentration camp" statment when I have more time. I'm so far behind with work it's not even funny. Obsessing about world politics is bad for your bank balance ;)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I'm not saying I approve of this statement, but over two decades ago Tom Clancy wrote that the day the Palestinians sit peacefully and protest and are shot dead by soldiers for doing so will be the day they achieve full victory. It's getting pretty close to that now isn't it? Not the victory part, but at least the "getting shot for just sitting there" part?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
They did that for 7 weeks while the IDF covered them in tear gas & sniper rounds. Around 50 people had already been killed but Western media ignored it until the embassy move & mass slaughter. Then they called it "clashes" regardless of no Israeli being killed or injured.
And now there's going to be another investigation that Israel refuses to cooperate with & which will go nowhere.
And people who put videos on Youtube about it are getting strikes dispite being pacifists with no hint whatsoever of antisemitism, hate speech, violence advocacy or anything.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Is that what you think was happening in Gaza? That they were just "sitting there peacefully"? What the fuck were you watching?
(Old Spike)
1 star, no comments. Truth hurts I guess.
(Old Spike)
well it tells you that someone disagrees with you, but doesn't have any actual argument that supports it.
(Long Spike)
Being real, I vote most of your Israel and Palestine videos 3/5 (middle of the road) so they can just receive a vote; I typically don't care about a lot of them so I throw it a right down the middle vote. But I definitely would understand someone seeing the 13th Israel-related video with over a 10 minute running time and just getting sick of it. There are some Spiked Nationals who don't approve of *any* political content on the site.
Something to consider.
(Old Spike)
You almost singlehandedly fixed the site when it moved to this new design so I don't give a shit what you post, you get 5 stars from me.
(Old Spike)
Thanks a lot man. Nakey deserves a lot of credit too. Although the only reason I didn't want to be known to be the developer was because I don't want any special treatment at all.
(Old Spike)
The fact that you removed the bullshit point system for posting images is what I most appreciate. The fact that certain people like Mr. Fudd were being given that privilege out of the gate because his politics aligned with that original coder was bullshit.
(Old Spike)
It gets 5/5 from me - Christian fundies that support Zionism simply because it dovetails in their minds with the destruction of all the people they condemn as evil and their own glorious ascendance to heaven are, I think, hilariously misunderstanding the role they're playing in the story of Revelations. LOL They don't understand that they are, in fact, likely the baddies the book is referring to if it were in fact referring to something REAL that's happening NOW. How ironic.
(Old Spike)
These people are so cringeworthy to watch because live around some of them.
I once called into a local talk radio show when they had on a local county commissioner whose big on pushing Jesus and his support of Israel. I asked him, on air, to confirm that he believed the only way to salvation was through the belief in the sacrifical blood of Jesus. He said yes of course.
I then stated that the only logical conclusion therefore was that every Jew living in Israel would be burning in hell when Jesus separates the wheat and the chalf. It was quite funny to hear him try all sorts of mental Gymnastics to reconcile his two positions. I told him there was plenty of solid secular reasons to back Israel.
Needless to say I was let go for the next caller after that, the host was also a big Christian guy and wasn't use to getting calls from people who ask tough questions.
I don't know if you realize this fact, it does sometimes happen that two groups reach a correct conclusion even when one uses an incorrect an idiotic methodology.
(Old Spike)
Do you think there are solid secular reasons to back the Palestinians too?
(Old Spike)
That depends on the actions of the Palestinians. Currently no as they are willing to elect shitheel scumbags like Hamas and continue to teach their children that's a good and noble think to kill the Jew (#NOT ALL). If they could ever manage to chill the fuck out and actually elect level headed people who want to create a prosperous county then of course.
(Old Spike)
Do the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves?
(Old Spike)
Every human has a right to defend themselves. But if you're going to tell me that they are "occupied" and therefore any violence they commit is "defense" then you're barking up the wrong tree.
Israel has proven itself to be a bastion of religious liberty. What's so fucking aweful about just becoming part of Israel?
(Old Spike)
What's so fucking aweful about just becoming part of Israel?
This isn't on the table - Israel won't allow this because it would mess with the racial demography of the "Jewish state". It is actually what the recent protests are based on - the right of Palestinians to return to the homes they owned in 1948.
But if you're going to tell me that they are "occupied" and therefore any violence they commit is "defense" then you're barking up the wrong tree.
I'm not telling you that. Why do you put "occupied" in quotes?
The Palestinians in the West Bank live under a cruel military occupation that enforces apartheid. The Palestinians in Gaza live in a horrible concentration camp, not an occupation. Gaza has been declared 'unlivible' people who've studied it. The situation is imposed on Gazans by Israel but Egypt plays a part too.
Israel has proven itself to be a bastion of religious liberty.
I don't see why this is relevant but it's not entirely true. Religious weddings are not legally recognized in Israel unless both people are the same denomination of the same religion [link] - it's law that they kept from the Ottoman empire. Granted, Israel does enforce people's right to worship whatever they like but this is true of most countries, even Iran.
Is there any form of violence that Israel commits that is unustified?
(Old Spike)
cruel military occupation that enforces apartheid
It's not apartheid.
Was the West Bank "occupied" between 1947 and 1967?
(Old Spike)
It is actually what the recent protests are based on - the right of Palestinians to return to the homes they owned in 1948.
The recent protests? In Gaza? Give me a break, that is a bullshit lie.
I know it's difficult to accept, but there was a war in 1948 and one side lost. The people who chose the losing side were the same people who abandoned their homes under the false promise that the Jews would be wiped out and they would be handed all the Jewish land.
And let's not forget that hundreds of thousands of Jews were expelled from the Arab nations that attacked Israel in 1948. How does it come that those Jews had to deal with losing everything yet Israel is expected to compensate the Arabs that fled Israel?
As far as them not being able to return, there is presidence for this. 12.5 million Germans in Poland and Czechoslovakia were expelled after World War II and allowed to take only those possessions they could carry. No one in Germany petitions today for the right of these millions of deportees and their children to return to the countries they were expelled from despite the fact that they and their ancestors had lived in those places for hundreds of years.
(Old Spike)
Why do you put "occupied" in quotes?
Because the West Bank is not occupied. The territories cannot be called occupied, as no nation had clear rights to them, and there was no operative diplomatic arrangement, when Israel acquired them in June 1967. Territories are only "occupied" if they are captured in war from an established and recognized sovereign, but no state had a legitimate or recognized sovereignty over the West Bank, Gaza Strip or East Jerusalem prior to the Six-Day War.
The Fourth Geneva Convention is not applicable to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, since, under its Article 2, it pertains only to "cases of…occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party" by another High Contracting party. The West Bank and Gaza Strip have never been the legal territories of any High Contracting Party.
Israel took control of the West Bank as a result of a defensive war. The language of "occupation" has allowed Palestinian spokesmen to obfuscate this history. By repeatedly pointing to "occupation," they manage to reverse the causality of the conflict, especially in front of Western audiences. Thus, the current territorial dispute is allegedly the result of an Israeli decision "to occupy," rather than a result of a war imposed on Israel by a coalition of Arab states in 1967. Former State Department Legal Advisor Stephen Schwebel, who later headed the International Court of Justice in the Hague, wrote in 1970 regarding Israel's case: "Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully, the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defense has, against that prior holder, better title."
(Old Spike)
The Palestinians in Gaza live in a horrible concentration camp, not an occupation.
This is another lie. I don't seem to remember people living in actual concentration camps being able to elect their own government. Gaza may be a shit hole but the question then is WHY is it a shit hole? No doubt you would point the finger at Isaral and tell me they're just being mean. When the reality is a bit more complicated. The reason Israel has enacted such tight security controls on what gets into Gaza is because there is a sizable contingent of people living there who will do whatever they can to attack Israel.
There would be no reason to limit the imports of Gaza if the people living there would give up on the idea that it's in their best interest to be vicious cunts. If they, I don't know, just wanted to actually live in peace then perhaps they would be better off.
Gaza has been declared 'unlivible' people who've studied it.
And who's fault is that. I know, but you won't like the answer.
The situation is imposed on Gazans by Israel but Egypt plays a part too.
Egypt plays a part too? You don't say? Funny how even a non-Jewish state is capable of seeing the people in Gaza are being lead by vicious cunts and know it's best to make sure they don't get their hands on weapons.
(Old Spike)
the question then is WHY is it a shit hole
Yes that is the question. Gaza is a human rights crisis. You seem to defend the actions of Israel based on an election that was held in 2006. That's collective punishment of millions people for voting the wrong way & Hamas (a political party) isn't even popular in Gaza at the moment. If you're justifying Israeli violence because Hamas/Islamic Jihad have also committed violent acts then you're saying that violence is ok. Or do you condemn violence from both sides?
The reason Israel has enacted such tight security controls on what gets into Gaza is because there is a sizable contingent of people living there who will do whatever they can to attack Israel.
I don't think you realise the extent to which the blockade & other measures make life unlivable for people in Gaza. They have electricity for about 4 hours per day. They have running water for 6-8 hours at a time & not even every day. Over 90% of the water is toxic. Israel controls the water supply due to measures taken in the past few decades (mesasures that are in breach of agreements & illegal, not that you care about legality). How is restricting access to clean water & electricity a "security control"?
There's also a long conversation we could have about what's been going on politically in the past decade. Hamas has repeatedly offered to recognize the state of Israel. They refuse to accept it as "a Jewish state" but so did Truman [link]. Hamas has pretty much ceased all violent acts since 2014. As I said, it's a long conversation. I encourage you to look at both sides of the story & not just stick to the "Israel is only defending itself" narrative because this is ethnic cleansing we're witnessing. Well, witnessing is a strong term since the establishment media is pretty much doing everything it can to hide it.
And who's fault is that. I know, but you won't like the answer.
No I don't belive you do know. You seem to not even have a grasp on what the situation is in Gaza of the West Bank. If you knew the half of it you'd not be so one-sided. I suspect you want 'troublesome Palestinians' just to disappear, just like the people you mentioned that live in your community. The problem is that there are millions of Palestinian refugees in & around Israel - these are human beings. They are not Hamas. They are not terrorists. For 7 weeks they peacefully demonstrated while getting sniped by the IDF. It only made the news because of the May 14th circus. No Israelis were injured or killed. One suffered a little scratch. Thousands of people were sniped. Women, children and press were killed. It was no accident, they were sniped on direct orders when posing no threat whatsoever to the border. How is that Hamas' fault?
I'm going to come back to this "this is not a concentration camp" statment when I have more time. I'm so far behind with work it's not even funny. Obsessing about world politics is bad for your bank balance ;)
(Old Spike)
I'm not saying I approve of this statement, but over two decades ago Tom Clancy wrote that the day the Palestinians sit peacefully and protest and are shot dead by soldiers for doing so will be the day they achieve full victory. It's getting pretty close to that now isn't it? Not the victory part, but at least the "getting shot for just sitting there" part?
(Old Spike)
They did that for 7 weeks while the IDF covered them in tear gas & sniper rounds. Around 50 people had already been killed but Western media ignored it until the embassy move & mass slaughter. Then they called it "clashes" regardless of no Israeli being killed or injured.
And now there's going to be another investigation that Israel refuses to cooperate with & which will go nowhere.
And people who put videos on Youtube about it are getting strikes dispite being pacifists with no hint whatsoever of antisemitism, hate speech, violence advocacy or anything.
(Old Spike)
Is that what you think was happening in Gaza? That they were just "sitting there peacefully"? What the fuck were you watching?
(Old Spike)