Seth Rich Lawsuit


eh's picture

Sean Hannity had it all figured out. I saw it posted on here.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

The word is that Wheeler is doing this to get evidence from the D.C. Police out into the public.  Discovery for the lawsuit would make the D.C. Police have to turn over evidence.

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Grothesk's picture

The phrase "the word is" instantly sets off my bullshit alarm.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Would you rather me not include verbage indicating what follows is merely speculation?  God damn Grothesk, it's fucking amazing how quickly and vehemently you rush to refute the mere mention or suggestion that Rich was somehow in contact with Wikileaks.

Yes, I am well aware there is no evidence, nor am I claiming there is evidence, nor am I claiming he was the one who handed over the emails.

But by the same token, you utterly abandon your high minded demand for evidence when it comes to the equally unfounded assertion that Trump was working with the Russian government to undermine Hillary.  It's just a made up claim to avert blame from the piss poor job Clinton and her team did.

So what gives?  Why is evidence a requirement for the Seth Rich claim but not required for you to believe the 'MUH RUSSIA claim in your book?

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Grothesk's picture

My stance upon Russian collusion is the same as this:

present your evidence or shut the fuck up.

Your counter argument turns to dust when you can't turn that shit on me, doesn't it?

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Beseeched1's picture

Keep on grasping at this story and smearing yourself with this bullshit.

Still waiting for Hannity to apologize to the Rich family and the public for this lie he and his rotten network created.


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Fullauto223cal's picture

I'm not grasping at shit, thank you very much.

Do you think Trump won because he was working with the Russian government?

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Beseeched1's picture

There is a conclusion that Russia interfered in the election by intelligence agencies. Furthermore, there is an ongoing investigation into whether Trump and his campaign colluded with them in the process. A whole lot of curcumstancial evidence has been reported on, but I leave my final conclusions until after the investigation is complete.

I choose to wait and see how this plays out. I heard that Wheeler will be suing the Fox journalist who started this whole story and hopefully the truth will come out sooner than later.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

There is a conclusion that Russia interfered in the election by intelligence agencies.

That's an answer to a question nobody asked.

Furthermore, there is an ongoing investigation into whether Trump and his campaign colluded with them in the process.

That's also no an answer to the question.

A whole lot of curcumstancial evidence has been reported on, but I leave my final conclusions until after the investigation is complete.

Like what?

I choose to wait and see how this plays out. I heard that Wheeler will be suing the Fox journalist who started this whole story and hopefully the truth will come out sooner than later.

Finally.  You could have just typed this.  Jesus Christ.

There is no evidence of Trump being in league with the Russians.  There is no "curcumstancial" anything.


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Beseeched1's picture

Except pretty much all of his campaign meeting with russians during and after the campaign and lying about it. Multiple times. Yeah, nothing to see here. 

A question for you: do you think Trump should release his tax returns? 

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Grothesk's picture

I think Trump should release his tax returns...unless he has something specific to hide.

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Beseeched1's picture

Yeah, seems like he is uncomfortable with releasing them. Reasons are up for interpretation, but they surely do not add transperancy to him. Question was directed to fullauto, but I guess he is conveniently ignoring it.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Would fuck either of the presenters........ or both.

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eh's picture

First the ornamental then the dumb blonde.

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