Why Fallout 4 Failed

Pantysoaker's picture

Why Fallout 4 Failed

The worst game i have ever played in my entire life

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)


Kibernizzle's picture

Before I rant; is your statement: "The worst game I have ever played in my entire life" a true one?

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sato's picture

fallout 4 failed? pretty sure made like half a billion dollars in the first day of release but ok i'll watch and see...


no choice in fallout 4? so the choice between which faction you'd go with doesn't exist? pretty sure i had the choice to blow up an airship, side with the brotherhood, or remain neutral. this entire argument is based on only one choice that wasn't given, and so what? only the most stubborn of fanboys can't handle a sequel having any variation from the original.

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gardendaleguy's picture

im on the fence about this one. I love the exploration above all...but the story is a little lack-luster, and the whole 'faction' thing was complete shit...overall, i still go back and play it now n then just to marvel at the massive settlement i made and just randomly head out into the sunset to see what i can see...but the game certainly couldve been made better

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puttefnask's picture

I never played this game because the animations are terrible.

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