When the drugs are that good

sal9000's picture

Man High On Drugs Arrests Himself!

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 4.7 (18 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I guess he did not want to get shot in the face.

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eh's picture

Cocaine WAS a helluva drug. Now it's all about flakka and opioids baby!

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Lambus's picture

A Flakka Fuckah.


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Cahu's picture

Sucks when hangover isn't the only thing to contend with the next morning. Also, the real ending to The Hangover.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

And he was never heard from again...

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skeptoid's picture
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

That actually deserves a video submission on its own.

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skeptoid's picture

It was submitted on the old site, but I guess you're right.

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eh's picture

As opposed to this textbook handling of a situation with dogs....



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dillinger's picture

Thanks for ruining a good feeling.

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