Tue, 2018-07-24 08:21 — sal9000 Man High On Drugs Arrests Himself! Video of Man High On Drugs Arrests Himself! I forgot to add a description! 4.72222 Average: 4.7 (18 votes)
(Old Spike)
I guess he did not want to get shot in the face.
(Long Spike)
Cocaine WAS a helluva drug. Now it's all about flakka and opioids baby!
(Short Spike)
A Flakka Fuckah.
(Old Spike)
Sucks when hangover isn't the only thing to contend with the next morning. Also, the real ending to The Hangover.
(Old Spike)
And he was never heard from again...
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
That actually deserves a video submission on its own.
(Old Spike)
It was submitted on the old site, but I guess you're right.
(Long Spike)
As opposed to this textbook handling of a situation with dogs....
Thanks for ruining a good feeling.