guy 9/11's his home

sal9000's picture

Utah Man Crashes Plane Into His Own House

was arrested earlier in the day for domestic violence

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)


TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

Damn, thats a strong ass house.

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eh's picture

Yeah, the house will disintegrate in the Hollywood version of the story.

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sato's picture

that's usually what happens when a plane hits a brick or stone structure. the only exception was the pentagon, hence all the doubt about the official story.

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eh's picture

The whole thing about a 100-ton plane packed with jet fuel travelling at 350MPH was just a monkey wrench that caused some sheeple to claim it caused more damage.

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sato's picture

don't completely understand your comment, but what i mean is planes are deliberately made light and always lose against a structure. a larger plane is stronger but a larger building is much stonger, and the direction the planes are strongest in means the tail and wings are always left, just as here.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Thankfully the people he wanted to kill survived the crash. Karma's a bitch if you try a stunt like that but have the only brick built house in the neighbourhood. Great aim, though.

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eh's picture

The guy that stole the passenger plane who learned to fly on Flight Simulator 2.0 is looking better and better.

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delt_osvp-'s picture

it looks like he stalled it or was going so slow

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