Jordan Doesn't Realize He's Live on YouTube

skeptoid's picture

Jordan B. Peterson - Live Streaming FAIL

This is happening right now. He realized he was live and shut it down, and removed the video. He had a conversation with his wife about the new Ford gov in Ontario and he called some trans activists "fucking pricks" without realizing he was on air. I've left this here so you can see how the live stream opened, which is the thumbnail. He was checking his teeth in his web cam. All of it was quite hilarious. 

Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Video unavailable. Here's a mirror... wifey part starts around 3:30

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skeptoid's picture

That's cuz he took it down immediately - of course that accomplished nothing LOL. Try it again.

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danmanjones's picture

Last bit is funny "uh oh, I'm live streaming"... "uh oh" is right.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

I find it all rather endearing.  He's having a real moment with his wife and expresses his personal opinion.  If he can't let out the young tough he was in rural Alberta, now and again, especially in front of the girl that's known him since he was 12...well, when can he.  His stock just went up in my eyes... pricks... we really got to bring that word back. ;-)

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thegent's picture
Discord user

seems legit!

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