That's a hilarious faux pa, given the context but also has some truth to it. The average IQ of someone with Down syndrome is 50.
"Mentally retarded" was the PC term to describe people with IQ < 70. It replaced moron (50-70 IQ), imbicile (25-50 IQ) & idiot (0-25 IQ).
Somehow, "idiot", "imbicile" and "moron" are acceptable terms to call people if you're insulting them but not if you're measuring their IQ, as the words were designed for. The PC replacement term "retarded" is now always un-PC. Round & round we go.
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Pulpgimp1 (Short Spike)
I got triggered as fuck when one of them asked all patronizing-like "Are you gonna think twice before saying something again?" and the whole audience cheered.
(Old Spike)
"You'd have to be Downs Syndrome"
That's a hilarious faux pa, given the context but also has some truth to it. The average IQ of someone with Down syndrome is 50.
"Mentally retarded" was the PC term to describe people with IQ < 70. It replaced moron (50-70 IQ), imbicile (25-50 IQ) & idiot (0-25 IQ).
Somehow, "idiot", "imbicile" and "moron" are acceptable terms to call people if you're insulting them but not if you're measuring their IQ, as the words were designed for. The PC replacement term "retarded" is now always un-PC. Round & round we go.
(Short Spike)
I got triggered as fuck when one of them asked all patronizing-like "Are you gonna think twice before saying something again?" and the whole audience cheered.