Yeah, I saw this on the news the other day and thought "I have to link this on spiked!" Then I forgot. Thanks ninjiz!
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
How's that even possible? Did he just eyeball it that the blade wasn't gonna hit the snow?
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Woodsman (Old Spike)
Its tough to see but in the cockpit when you're looking more down the direction of the blades its easier to see where the tips of the rotors are than if you were out of the helicopter. This is definitely a skilled pilot, and when you're in mountain ranges there's always a risk of up/down drafts and turbulence. This is called a "toe in" where you rest one or both tips of the skids on the ground which gives you a lot more stability than in a hover. I've done countless toe-ins getting dropped off to build heli pads and a good pilot can drop you off in some amazing places. A risk for where I always worked was loose vegetation and debris getting blown loose and then getting drawn into the rotors because you are in ground affect and the air gets recirculated around the rotors
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Hisoka (Short Spike)
Like a BOSS
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ibji (Short Spike)
Ok, I made the video, can you come back and get me now? guys?...hey, I'm still here....HAY WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE?
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
I’m hard as a fucking diamond
(Old Spike)
Yeah, I saw this on the news the other day and thought "I have to link this on spiked!" Then I forgot. Thanks ninjiz!
(Site Moderator)
How's that even possible? Did he just eyeball it that the blade wasn't gonna hit the snow?
(Old Spike)
Its tough to see but in the cockpit when you're looking more down the direction of the blades its easier to see where the tips of the rotors are than if you were out of the helicopter. This is definitely a skilled pilot, and when you're in mountain ranges there's always a risk of up/down drafts and turbulence. This is called a "toe in" where you rest one or both tips of the skids on the ground which gives you a lot more stability than in a hover. I've done countless toe-ins getting dropped off to build heli pads and a good pilot can drop you off in some amazing places. A risk for where I always worked was loose vegetation and debris getting blown loose and then getting drawn into the rotors because you are in ground affect and the air gets recirculated around the rotors
(Short Spike)
Like a BOSS
(Short Spike)
Ok, I made the video, can you come back and get me now? guys?...hey, I'm still here....HAY WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE?
(Short Spike)
Probably didn't want to miss TGIF.