May's Government in Tatters over Brexit Strategy

danmanjones's picture

The moment Theresa May loses crucial Brexit deal vote

(clip gets quite funny at the end)


Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit plan was not expected to pass, but it was brutally murdered in a far larger margin of defeat than was expected: 432 to 202. This is the largest parliamentary defeat for a sitting government in history.


The options for the Brits now include a no-deal Brexit on March 29; desperate negotiations for a new plan; or asking for an extension from the EU while a fresh hell is organized, such as a new referendum or a general election.


Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn immediately tabled a no-confidence vote in May's government.



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lawngnome's picture

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh boy was he getting a little excited there....


Time wasters and tyre kickers is what we call people like May and her brexiters. Their arrogance paired with sheer incompetence is quite amazing.

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danmanjones's picture

Can you give us the skinny on what happens next?...

Do you think Corbyn has a shot at becoming PM?

And will they have another Brexit referendum or just leave?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

May won the confidence vote by a tiny margin.


According to the BBC Corbyn will only take part in further discussions if the "hard brexit" is ruled out.

I personally don't think he is PM material, he lost last time when the tories were weak. He is also too far left for many tastes (it's britain after all)


I can see several scenarios:

  • hard brexit
  • ask for an extension of the exit date in order to re-negotiate, although the EU will not budge. They may budge a little on a "stay deal", though. but not too much.
  • new referendum (unlikely under May) wth 3 options this time, which it should have been from the start actually.
  • cancel brexit, "for the time being". Yes, this was voiced as an option, although it would be the worst scenario if you ask me 
  • cancel brexit, which is desired by the EU and by most brits, which according to May will not happen


A letter from the EU has been sent "begging" the Government not to waste more time and remain, btw. Now one thing is for sure, no more time wasting ain't gonna happen!

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danmanjones's picture

Thanks. I hope Corbyn can become the PM. He seems respected & reasonable.

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NoToucH's picture

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor boss simpsons

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Maxpower's picture

I wonder what happens when they keep shooting these deals down, and it comes down to voting on whether to cancel Brexit completely. All those people who voted for Brexit probably won't be very happy. I wonder if we'll see some yellow jackets in Britain then.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

The worst is that now they want to re-invent a deal in 12 days when they wasted 2 years in "negotiating" shit the EU said they would not agree to in the frst place.


Fucking morons.

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