What is she saying in the beginning when she holds up the dagger? "he fartstains this one" ?? it's bugging me.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i know death, he's got many faces, i look forward to seing this one
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
I couldn't hear it at all until I read your comment. Then it was as plain as day... so weird.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
...dude. You realize she speaks the Queen's English and we're the ones with the accent, right?
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
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JTrillo (Short Spike)
It's funny. I felt like she had a Yorkshire accent (as I do) until I looked her up and she was born in Bristol which is the polar opposite location. And then I realized that all of the Winterfell family speak in northern / Yorkshire accents because of Sean Bean being from Sheffield.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
She definitely muddles the accent from time to time on GOT where she's a well-travelled little girl. Definitely more Yorkshire in her appearances on Doctor Who.
(Short Spike)
What is she saying in the beginning when she holds up the dagger? "he fartstains this one" ?? it's bugging me.
(Old Spike)
i know death, he's got many faces, i look forward to seing this one
(Short Spike)
I couldn't hear it at all until I read your comment. Then it was as plain as day... so weird.
(Site Administrator)
...dude. You realize she speaks the Queen's English and we're the ones with the accent, right?
(Short Spike)
(Short Spike)
(Site Administrator)
She definitely muddles the accent from time to time on GOT where she's a well-travelled little girl. Definitely more Yorkshire in her appearances on Doctor Who.
(Old Spike)
And so, we are almost there.
How bittersweet.
(Old Spike)
Couldn't have said it better myself.