Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an Actress


danmanjones's picture

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sato's picture

lol bro could not have said it better myself!

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daftcunt's picture
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Has a Reagan Watermark on his video, criticises politician of the opposite side of the spectrum to be an actor.

Right wingers really are a funny bunch.

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Maxpower's picture

I think the dude actually acknowledges the irony of having a Reagan mug, while talking about how she is essentially an actress. The difference is I don't think either Reagan or Trump (who is actually more of a real estate mogul) have ever advocated for policies like The Green New Deal, which would flat-out bankrupt the country and cause a massive upheaval of our way of life. I also think their acting credits are laid out and plain to see. They've never claimed to not have acted in shows, while AOC is being presented as this organic movement that was actually completely contrived. This video is for anyone curious as to how someone who says clueless shit like "unemployment is down because everyone is working two jobs" could get elected. She's clueless because she's just a puppet. There is no AOC. Not really.


I think it also explains something really important, which is that the Democrat party is actually way more divided than is advertised. This new faction of "Justice Democrats" are seriously undermining the establishment Dems like Nancy Pelosi, and their ultimate goal is to completely overtake them. When people do a double take over how extreme the party has seemed to move to the left, it's because there is a kind of civil war going on there. I don't think a lot of old-school Democrats really like the direction the party is going (most of them voted for a wall and immigration reform), but they're basically being forced to go along with it, because appearing to be the divided, chaotic shitshow they really are and going into the 2020 election will probably ruin their chances of defeating Trump. They hate him so much and want power back so bad, they've allowed themselves to be invaded and subverted by a much more radical, unabashadly socialist group of extremists whose policies would ruin us if implemented.

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sato's picture

bankrupt the country? investment makes people richer, not poorer. don't tell me you've never bought shares? that's not just giving away money, you get back more later.


also on a second point you're mistaken that dems voted for a wall and immigration reform. it was widely reported and the numbers show that trump won because so many democratic voters didn't vote at all, not for their own party and not for trump or his wall either.


do agree (and hope) that the shitshow means they'll lose again to trump though. trump is far and away better than mainstream democratic party policy, that actually is bankrupting most people in america all while they push the lie that things like the green new deal will cost money, when the only people that it'll negatively affect is their billionairre donors, and even then they'll still do well making $100m's, just not the $500m's they've gotten used to thanks to tax breaks and offloading labor costs onto welfare.

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skeptoid's picture

No - his YouTube name is actually Mr. Reagan. I watched a few of his vids - don't really like him. He's like an elitist evangelical who believes Hell exists and people will burn there in agony for all eternity. Bleh.

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