HBO Tells Trump to Quit Stealing Their IP

danmanjones's picture

HBO asks Trump to stop using Game of Thrones content

“we still prefer our intellectual property not be used for political purposes,”



HBO has previously complained, tweeting “How do you say trademark misuse in Dothraki?” after Trump used the meme to announce sanctions.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Has there anybody ever been in the white house that thinks less before opening his gob than this twat?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I hear Andrew Jackson was a hell raiser but of course we didn't have Twitter to give voice to thin skinned faggots who scream about being offended by parody memes in the 1830's.


As far as your presumption that he gives little though before "opening his gob" I would counter that he puts a great deal of thought into what he says and posts.  By which I mean, he really thinks about what will piss off his piss off his political foes the most and cause them to react with such an irrationally fury that they end up making themselves look like bitter losers with no sense of humor.


So far I have to say he's been batting a perfect game.  His prowess in the realm of memetic warfare is something to behold.  In the realm of memes, their power comes from how people respond.  The fact that lefty bitches at HBO are coming out against the President using a GOT parody to meme on the radical left gives it more impact than if they would have just ignored it.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

OK, Is that why he says his father was born in Germany? To piss people off?  And of course his spelling errors are reason for this too, not pressing send without thinking.....


Thanks for letting us know.


The text of the tweet was incomplete btw. As "No Exonoration" was missing....


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Fullauto223cal's picture

So HBO doesn't like parody.  Well tough shit.  Parody is not theft and you cannot copyright typeface.  So the claim that he is "stealing their IP" is fucking laughable.  If this meme is theft then Saturday Night Live writers should be thrown in prison.

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danmanjones's picture

I think it's funny that Trump pushes the "China steals IP" meme & yet here he is being told to quit hijacking IP for a meme. Apparently HBO could sue for trademark dilution but wouldn't have a good chance of winning [sauce].


Hijacking an entertainment brand to announce sanctions is tacky as fuck. Sanctions are associated with misery & result in loads of people dying. It's also about 2 years too late to be using the "X is coming" meme on anyone younger than a boomer. The only thing fresh about it is that it's being used by a politician(?) to gloat.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I think it's a pretty far stretch to compare China stealing manufacturing plans to Trump using a freely downloadable font to make a parody meme.  HBO could file a lawsuit over anything they damn well please, you're right, they would lose and look like petty assholes in the process.

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danmanjones's picture

What manufacturing plans has China stolen?

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ninjzz3.0's picture

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