(25 votes)
(Long Spike)
Farrrkin great gallery 5/5.
And I hate being called barnacle as well.
(Short Spike)
(Long Spike)
Thank you for the translation. And I'm right with the level of emotions I've got now thanks.
(Long Spike)
Damnit. We totally missed out on some VR sponsorship
(Old Spike)
Did I do that right?
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
Number 43 got me banned from facebook for 24 hours :) it had to do with hate or offensive language???
Edit: facebook apologised for deleting my post
(Old Spike)
I miss these profusely!
(Long Spike)
Just one week until this epic "weekly" gallery celebrates 1 year at the top of the charts!
Exactly one year ago.
Lazy motherfucker.
(Old Spike)
The gallery that was so good it ended all galleries. :'(
(Long Spike)
I miss these galleries
(Site Administrator)
When can we bring this back?
(Old Spike)
Someone has to do it and make the right calls....... i can't, bobtob spiked passes the baton to you! ..... do it.... =)
(Site Administrator)
Ha! I or anyone after allowing your typical Spiked National to send them jpegs (or links to jpegs no less) ;-)
(Site Administrator)
In all seriousness though, n0val, I think this you're on to something if I could make some additional suggestions. IF we get agreement from a few other Long and Old Spikes on this, maybe we could have this honor fall upon us all, on a rotating basis! It would only involve Dan resetting the password to the jpeg submissions account/address and sharing it with a specific Long or Old Spike (to start). e.g. 'Congratulations, you're the photo moderator for this upcoming round. Here is a link and your (new) password to the inbox, along with instructions (a screenshot or two) on how to select images and submit.' The incumbent (acting-photo-submissions-moderator) could review/approve photos for a period (1-2wks) and then hand it back. Dan would then move to the next Spikednational on the list. ie.Easy peasy.
@Nakey / @Danman if you're listening. Does something like this sound feasible? Thanks.
(Site Moderator)
I'm in if this happens. I have a stash of pics I've been collecting from here and various sites for years that will possibly pass as "new".
(Site Administrator)
Nice! Thanks backdraft. And there's certainly more keen to volunteer.
@Admins you have at least 3 people who could be interested in a rotation (I'm nominating n0val33t just to help him get over his fear. He too would make an excellent rotating-acting-photo-submissions-moderator / RAPSM..look it was either that or 'committee for liberal image taking and their online redistribution into Spiked' but the anagram was clitoris.
(Old Spike)
Maybe it would be better to have a picture submission function, and release the approved bit by bit depending how much stock there is piled up
that way anyone can submit, and release it 10 or more at a time every thursday or so, so ppl can watch em in the weekend
(Site Administrator)
Also a good suggestion. However in order to control volume for what the mod has to review maybe set a rule/cap at 3-5 images per submitter for that week. Anything 6 and above will be ignored/deleted. This also obliges submitters to be more selective in terms of what they send in.
(Site Moderator)
Yeah It think thats how it worked on old spiked. There was lot more users back then though, but it might be a good help to get some pics in.
(Site Administrator)
yay! looks like Nakey's turned this over to you. Off you go! Make us proud.
(Site Moderator)
So it seems. After fucking around in the forum for a while, I actually found out where to make the gallery ;)
(Site Administrator)
hi all, nakey here :)
i see what you motherfuckers are trying to do here and i say HERESY!
HA HA JUST KIDDING woops caps. ok images are uploaded to something like imgur and pasted into the image gallery submission like zo:
i can sort anyone out who wants the job, also i have pictures too, see:
oh also! we have a question of the week position where you ask spikednation questions such as:
"have you ever seen it rain carrot?"
she has.
anyhoo let me know and good old nakey will make it happen. anyhoo i'm going back to my icecream and crying in the corner now.
(Site Administrator)
Ok. Nice! [Not sure I understand the bit about setting up the next image galery page and having edit access but I'm sure you can explain]. So let's start taking names for a 1wk rotation each (IF I understood correctly / to start). So far you got:
Bobbob, Backdraft, n0val33t (still nominating him til he says 'no'),
Anybody else? (*starting with Old Spikes and Long Spikes, please) just reply here to be added to the list. And let's see how we do to start.
In keeping with the above theme (Nakey just gave us a sneak-peak to the first/upcoming weekly gallery) here is my offering:
I have a shit load of pics too, I used ti dump them here for Violetninja : https://www.spikednation.com/forums/something-funny
Thing is, I was pretty much the only one doing something to keep these galleries going.
Pizzaboi helped quite a lot too.
I kept asking for help and none of you motherfuckers came to help this sinking ship.
Which is now sinked and it extinguished my flame :(
(Site Administrator)
Thanks TW. This is most helpful regarding how to get going. But nonsense I say! Your anger kept your flame alive. Besides, there seems to be renewed interest! So time for you, I and others above to share the burden. Again, it would be nice if there are some rules e.g. I would only review the first 3-5 submissions per user, to limit review and assure quality. We want your best, people!
(Edit 27Aug22)
Ok. So I just added a page to Forums/Something Funny. I've got the first round of reviews. Submission deadline is Thursday evening 01Sep22, for posting of selected images in 'Weekly Image Gallery 09/02/2022'. (using American date format to be consistent with previous). Please post photos to:
Happy posting!
(Site Administrator)
All. An update.
We seem to be on track to having the Weekly Image gallery start up again! So hit the url in the comment above. Once there just add a comment, hit the image icon (2 mountains and sun) and paste in the url of your submission. Easy peasy. Submissions received up to tomorrow evening will be reviewed and the gallery will be up Friday morning. Thanks again!
(ps. As Nakey mentioned, you can post stuff up on Imgur.com and grab the url from there if you have downloaded files in your collection (on your phone/tablet/laptop) you'd like to share). But 4 images max each, please.
(Old Spike)
That's some of the best news in a long ass time, way to go.... depest of gratitude japanese bow with a "haaaaaaaaaa" i think that's what they say =)
(Site Administrator)
Good good. Send some photos. After Backdraft's turn you should be Dixie Normous the 3rd. Get ready. :-)
(Site Administrator)
Just closing the loop on this before the long-weekend here in Canada and the US. Gallery 20220902 is up! Thanks to those who contributed.