Tulsi: Trump Pimping Military

monkeymania's picture

Trump offers to pimp out our military to his Saudi masters

Despicable. Trump's offering to place our military assets under the command of a foreign country—Saudi Arabia—is a disgrace and betrayal of my patriotic brothers and sisters in uniform and to our Constitution. We are not your prostitutes. You are not our pimp.


Trump using our military as a tool for the Saudis is yet another new low point. When he wrote in a Tweet that we are waiting to hear from the kingdom how we should proceed it sounds like he's in personal debt to them. HMMM




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monkeymania's picture
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skeptoid's picture

Someone is coaching her on more forceful and biting language. I like. She hesitated at the end there, but went ahead with the prostitute/pimp analogy. This is perfect - the compaign vid I'm creating is called "Tulsi vs. the War Pimps and their War Whores". 

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Dagambit's picture

Hmm.. yup.. an ally was attacked, we are suppose to help, waiting for direction from another country to help, going to charge them for our help. Where is the problem? 


I am good with this for an allied country. Good rhetoric by Tulsi, misleading a little but rhetoric only none the less. 

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monkeymania's picture

The problem? Well, if you look closely, Trump said we should charge them for protection in 2014. Now? Well, the Trump crime family owes the Saudi family, so it's OK if American soldiers die now fighting for them.

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skeptoid's picture

This is a legimate criticism of Trump - it hits right at the heart of holding him accountable for failed promises regarding US foreign policy. As predicted he "made a deal" with the powerful interests that need a Middle East angle to continue profiting from war and the gangsters in SA and their US puppets have clearly made Trump their bitch. Enter Tulsi - she would destroy Trump on the debate stage. She isn't giving up. I'm standing here right now in the middle of an insane work week working on a pro-Tulsi campaign vid fueled by beer and this ridiculous purple haze bud I bought from the local grey market dispensary:


Image result for purple haze strain images



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monkeymania's picture

I've found that the purple kush at the dispensary, while expensive, is also absolutely incredible. Worth every penny.

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Dagambit's picture

You may be right, but I will wait and see what Trump actually does, i.e. actions he takes. Which is how I grade him. So far, we have 1 counter strike in Yemen, an enforced travel ban suggested by the Obama admin and carried out by the Trump admin, and a bolster of our defense. With peace in Korea. Yup, Trump is the war machine <- sarcasm. 

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danmanjones's picture

I hear there's talk of a treaty for US to defend Israel in the case of an attack.

This is far more dangerous than the Saudi issue. Let's see Tulsi talk about that.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I don't think that they will need a treaty for israel, if the shit really hits the fan they will be right in there helping to eradicate all the arabs. Little will be made public and the propaganda machines will work overtime.

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skeptoid's picture

I'm surprised there isn't already a treaty in place where the US would defend Israel. If there isn't, isn't it pretty much understood that this is the case by anyone with a brain? Like, if Israel were on its heels it's pretty much a given that the US would intervene militarily isn't it? I'm honestly asking I'm not much of an expert on Israel. 

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Dagambit's picture

Yes, you are correct. We would back Isreal in a heart beat if they would tear into conflict. Although, the real answer is they don't need us, we would politely insist that they do. I read somewhere way back we get most of our weaponary tech from isreal now and they can out nuke the entirity of the middle east by themselves. 

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