Canada Blackface


stokkebye's picture

Fucking stupid shit, blackface is only considered racist because of how they were portrayed by white actors to make fun of black people. How is dressing up as Aladdin racist? And what about this shit:

 Image result for white chicks

Is Mary Poppins fucking racsist too(Motherfuckers are sayign she is): 

Image result for mary poppins blackface


Oh LOOK! A whole bunch of racist!:

Image result for coal miners blackface

Oh wait, they're just coalminers, Fuck it NOW they're being called racist too! How fucking stupid. Im so sick of this shit.

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monkeymania's picture

I've always wondered about the uproar caused by two white comedians not dressed in just blackface, but made up in stereotypical hoochie mama garb using ebonics, in a movie called "Black Chicks". It might be the cause of some debate.......

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WarlockGnome's picture

Trudie is lieing sac of sh*t,   I dont like politicians, but I hate drama teachers who lie like politicians. 

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danmanjones's picture

What's the back story? 

Was he being blackmailed by someone with photos or...? 

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lawngnome's picture

They were photos in his yearbook, supposedly.  It's just another "gotcha" topic that'll be forgotten in a week.

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phanto's picture

Anything to distract from the SNC-Lavallin scandal and the Vice-Admiral Mark Norman affair.

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Maxpower's picture

Rules for Radicals


Rule #4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I don't care that he dressed in black face. What I care about is that he is a slimy scumbag that is ruining the country with a complete non chalant attitude toward any sense of accountibility.

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