The Chris Ramsay Playing Card Press


JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

Why do playing cards need to be pressed?

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sli0701948's picture

I had no Idea but it seems to be preservation before card where plastified.


" Recently a fan called our attention to yet another pressing problem: the preservation of decks of playing cards from the 18th and 19th centuries. Before the advent of plasticized or laminated playing cards, these popular playthings were made of thin cardboard, highly vulnerable to damage from tearing, curling, and warping. In addition, before the age of mass production, playing cards were no trivial expense. Hence the role of the playing card press "

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craven12's picture

I have been a machinist for the last 23 yrs, and this guy makes me feel like a first year apprentice..

Amazing work 

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

ikr, makes the stuff i do look like it was made by a 4yo.

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sli0701948's picture

At least it works, I hope. 



This looked like shit, was not to calculation but worked quite great. Better than the Inmarsat patch antenna for Outernet.

Made from Beer boxes cardboard, aluminium tape, lying copper wire and connector. The helice struts is a paintbrush handle. (Right-click, View Image makes it not for ants)

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

wait that's a thing? there really are satalites that do that? good god, i'll have to try this! 

dude if it works good for you. when the zombie / robot / freddie mercury aids apocalypse comes you'll still be able to access decent porn.


btw you're now a long spike, both of you.



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